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Everyone was done getting changed and ready "ready muñequita" Dom says picking her up "yeah" she smiles at him playing with his hair as he picks up his belt with his free hand "lets go you two" Finn says opening the door poking his head in "we are coming"  Dom said walking out seeing the other three "hey ri ri" Rhea said smiling walking over to her in Doms arms tickling her stomach making Aria giggle and hide herself in Doms chest and making Damian and Finn laugh.

The five of them walk out hearing their theme song Rhea and Dom holding their belts and Dom holding Aria in another Rhea talking and playing with Aria as they walk down to play with the story line that Rhea Dom and Aria as a mini family with in The Judgment Day family, when the got to the ring the did their pose then Dom passed Aria to Rhea in the ring then he got in standing with the rest of them Rhea keeping Aria in her arms, the four of them talked some shit then after a while when Seth came out and they did their little bit leading up to Seth and Finns match.

(Yes i am lazy but soon i will add the matches in)

They all backstage make their way back stage Rhea holds Aria in her arms "Rhea?" Aria whispers "yes sweet" Rhea says moving hair out her face "i want to do something for papa" she smiles at Rhea "what do you want to do?" She smiles back Aria leans her head up whispering in her ear, Rhea look down at the girl in her arms "we can do that sweet" as they get backstage Dom takes Aria into his arms "what you girls talking about huh" he smiles at Aria "not telling" she says wriggling in his hold making him place her down "not telling me?" He smirks as Aria nods crossing her arms making him chuckle "come on you goose lets get changed maybe we can go out for dinner tonight" he says taking her hand "okay papa".

As they made their way to the locker room Aria could feel someone watching her it made her feel uneasy but when she looked around she saw no one "what you doing muñequita?" Dom asked see Aria was looking around "nothing papa" she said forcing a smile, Rhea walked to the other side of Aria holding her other hand swinging her with Dom as Damian took a photo of the three him and Finn smiling at the photo. The whole way Aria couldn't shake the feeling of being watched she turned around to look and this time she saw a figure of a tall man by some boxes and crates the figures hand raised up and waved at her before it disappeared, Aria faced back and saw the reached the locker room.

"You okay baby you look like you saw a ghost?" Dom said with a concerned look on his face "yeah papa i am fine" she smikes again "okay if you say so" Dom knew something was up with her but didn't want to press the issue until she would tell him "Tía Rhea?" Aria asked as Dom went to change "yes ri" she said looking down from her phone "can you do my hair in the french braids" Rhea smiles and nods setting Aria on her lap to do her hair "what was that in the hallways ri you were zoned out" Aria looked at her hands "its nothing tía Rhea i promise". Rhea finished her hair as Dom walked back in "Dom is it okay if me and Aria go out tomorrow afternoon?" Rhea asks "yeah that's fine but we do have to leave tomorrow so make it quick" he smiles putting stuff away "Aria you need to change here is your stuff just go in there, okay?" Dom says handing Aria her stuff  "okay papa!" She smiles taking her clothes and walks into the other room locking the door.

She sets her clothes down and when she does something falls onto the floor she pickes it up and looks at it, she looks at it closely and sees its a photo of her asleep last night and you can just see a knife in the bottom of the picture, Aria stares at the picture in fear "Aria you okay in there!" she hears from the other side "yeah fine!" She quickly changes and she folds the photo but when she looks at the back it say 'dont tell papa or else ~' at the end there was what looked to be a bit if blood on the card.

Aria left the room to be with the rest of the group the photo in her photo pocket not wanting to tell Dom out of fear "you look good mini me" he smiles and our outfits look a like "so go you papa, wait maybe tía Rhea can do you hair like mine!" She says smiling at her brilliant idea "yeah you should Dom" Damian smiles packing his duffle bag "see tío Damian thinks so!" Aria says getting excited making puppy eyes at Dom which made him chuckle "please papa please" Dom sighs "fine but only because i love you muñequita" he sits down as Rhea does his hair same as Arias "leave front bits out like mine!" She smiles "okay baby girl i will" she smiles finishing her 'master piece' "you look beautiful papa!" Aria hugs Dom but as she jumps up the folder picture falls out of her pocket "what's that muñequita?" Damian asks picking it up "its nothing tío Damian" Aria was panicking about what might happen if they find out or what this mystery man will do.

"Can i have it back, please" Aria says still in Doms arms "whats so special about this paper ri?" Dom asks looking at her, she pauses for a bit "i will tell you at the hotel..." Dom nods as Damian gives him the paper as well "well we should go say bye Aria" Dom puts Aria down and she goes hugs Damian and Finn bye "Bye Damian, Bye Finn" Aria made her way to Rhea "bye Rhea see you tomorrow" she says hugging Rheas legs before going to hold Doms hand "Bye guys, let's go you" he says before leaving carrying his bag and Aria carried hers.

The father and daughter got to the hotel chucking their bags on the floor, Dom sat on his bed patting by his side "come here Aria" she made her way over Patch in her arms once again, she sat by him as he pulled the photo out " i haven't seen it yet i want you to show me mi mariposa" Aria grabbed the photo and unfolded it still letting Dom see "you say whatever you want baby girl" Aria looks at the photo again before starting "when we where walking i felt someone watching me for a bit i saw no one then i saw a figure it waved then disappeared" Aria looked at her dad then the picture "and when i changed this fell out my clothes" she turned it over and showed Dom his jaw dropped seeing a photo of his daughter sleeping and at the bottom there was a knife "this fell...?" He asked in shocked "yeah out my shirt and on the back it says this" she flipped it over to show Dom "papa i am scared" he immediately pulled Aria in for a hug "don't be Aria you have me" he rubbed her back as she started crying "am i going to die papa?" Doms heart breaks no parent would want to hear this "no sweet no your not" his thumb wipes her tears falling as he holds her face "i wont let this human do anything to you okay anything" Aria nods looking up at Dom "lets get changed yeah?" Aria takes a breath "yeah" then got up when the hear something...

Knock knock

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