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(A/N again i am sorry for not updating anything i am struggling right now now i dont want to sound attention seeking or making excuses but i felt like to explain a little)

The judgment day were on another yes another outing, they were like a massive family and Aria was their baby the all felt the need to protect.

"Baby you ready?" Dom said as he spotted Aria putting her shoes on "almost papa" she smiled up at him trying to do her laces on some shoes Damian got her recently "gracias papa" she jumped up holding doms hand as they went to the car out front with everyone else in.

Aria got in the car next to Rhea as Damian and Finn were up front "hello my little nugget" Rhea smiled at Aria who hugged her as soon as she could it was safe to say Rhea was one of her favorite. "Ready back there?" Damian says turning round as Dom shuts the door "cinturones de seguridad puestos" damian says and Aria puts her belt on.

On the way to the amusement park everyone was having fun and joking around Aria and Rhea were taking funny selfies some making it to Rheas Instagram "hey Rhea" dom said and Rhea looked up looking at dom "how would you feel becoming Arias god mother?" He asked and Rheas face lit up "oh my of course Dom, thank you for trusting me" she smiles at Dom who returns the smile back "she loves you Rhea your her favorite woman your basically a mother to her" Rhea felt her heart break in a good way with the compliments she was getting, Rhea and Dom hugged over Aria as the park was in sight.

The group got out the car and walked in Dom payed for him and Aria meanwhile the rest payed for themselves "okay what first" Don said and Finn pipped up "what does Aria want to do then someone go with her as usual adults go on another ride?" He suggest and they all agree the Aria want to go on a calm type of roller coaster and the boys suggested the rollercoaster opposite which was a lot higher and faster "how about i will go with Aria you boys go on that" Rhea smiled and picked up Aria like she was 3 "sounds good you such you don't want to go on the bigger one?" Don't asked feeling back for pushing responsibility of Aria on his friends again.

"Yeah i suggest i go with her its fine i love being with my little nugget" she smiled looking at Aria. Everyone went their separate ways as the boys walked to the bigger rollercoaster the girls went to the line. "You ready Aria" Rhea asked as they were getting closer to being on the ride "yeah!" She said excitedly and looked behind Rhea, her face goes pale "rhea! Rhea!" She tapped on the older womans shoulder "what what!?" Rheas voice had panic in it looking to just see a line of children and parents "Austin" her little voice came to a whisper as she snuggles into Rhea "Aria baby no one is there Austin isn't here" Rheas manicured brows scrunched "he was Rhea he was" Rheas hand came to Aria back rubbing it a little like she was calming a child after nightmares, when she got an idea "want to know someone?" She asked and Aria lifted her head up looking "you papa is making me your god mother which means i am going to protect you like i am your mother okay no one will hurt you me papa, finn and Damian will all make sure your safe okay?" She asked her blue eyes looking at Arias "yes" Rhea smiled as they sat in on cart for the ride.

After that Aria didn't see Austin she went on go carts with Damian racing against her dad and more rollercoasters with Finn and hwe dad, fans coming up for pictures at times many stops to get Aria some sweet treat she found and if dom said no she would ask Rhea if she said no she would ask Damian then Finn till she got it.

The group found a bench to rest chatting and having food and snacks they asked a stranger to take a photo of them and they kindly did "ready to go?" Finn asked and everyone thought then agreed it was a good time to leave "yeah we done most the rides we want to" Damian said.

They all got back in the car songs playing as light background sound as they can't about work and gossip they have heard. The group were 15 minutes from doms home when out of no where a car from behind rear ending them "fuck!" Was heard from Damian "Papa!" Aria screamed as she was one still recovering and two in the middle getting a lot of the impact. The car spun off the road finally coming to a stop "everyone okay" Finn said "no" Rhea said holding her shoulder "papa" Aria said to a passed out Dom making everyone look "call an ambulance!" Finn said amd Damian pulls his phone out "baby you hurt" Rhea asked Aria and she undid her seatbelt with her good arm "no" she says crying, Finn and Damian get out helping Rhea and Aria the moving over to a unconscious Dominik Rhea sat to the side holding Aria as they wait.

"Mama i am hurting" she says Rhea eyes widen at Mama but ignores it as she is probably scared out her mind "its okay its okay Aria papa is okay" she pulls Aria closer as they hear sirens.

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