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To Lavinias relief, all three of her friends were also denied from attending. But they wouldn't give up just yet.

Anne, being the genius she is, concocted a most perfect lie.

She handed out lines for everyone. Diana, Jane, Cole and Lavinia. The redhead insisted that each practiced their lines, "Here. Study your lines carefully. We only have one chance."

"Seeing as Cole has to run an errand for his parents in Charlottetown..." Diana trailed off, a huge smile on her face at the prospect of their parents allowing them to attend the party.

At Cole's house, they've managed to convince his mother.

At Jane's house, they've managed to to catch Mr. Andrews while he was still in a good mood.

Diana's mother, although begrudgingly, agreed once she realized Jane and Lavinia would also be accompanying her daughter.

Lavinias father was the issue. That's why all three of her friends stood awkwardly to the side as the daughter and father duo kept going back-and-forth, leaving them both exasperated.

"Dad, please." She whined, pointing at her friends with her eyes so he could feel bad.

"Lavinia." He gave her a stern look in return.

"We won't be-"

Cole cut Lavinia off, respectfully standing beside her so Mr. Laurent could look at him, "Sir, if I may. I've done many errands for my parents in Charlottetown. I know my way around if something were to happen."

Jane held back a laugh at the lie, turning to her side pretending to look at a painting.

"You've done errands for your parents?" Mr. Laurent questioned, his expression getting softer at the prospect of leaving his daughter with someone experienced.

"Yes, sir. Nothing feels better than a job well done."

"So you're quite a responsible boy?" At the nod her father received from the younger boy, he turned back to look at his daughter, "Alright."

"Alright?" Lavinia held her hands close, squealing quietly.

"Alright." He repeated, "I suppose he's better than you know who."

Diana furrowed her eyebrows. Was he hinting at her father? Jane hit her on the shoulder, giggling at the comment.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Lavinia wrapped her arms around him tightly, closing her eyes at the warmth she felt.

Heading their way outside of the Laurent's house, the four couldn't contain their giggles and laughter.

They were going to the party.


"Woah." Lavinia held onto her hat as she raised her head to look at the place.

"Oh! Oh, I've dreamed about parties before, and while I do believe I have quite a capable imagination... it's never conjured up anything like this." Anne marveled at the sight in front of them.

Diana looked back at Josephine, " I'm exceptionally excited to hear Cécile Chaminade play."

"Miss Barry spares no expense to get people through the bleak winter." The monotony of Rollings voice not faltering the children's excitement.

"Oh! How wonderful!"

"I can't take credit for Gertrude's idea. This was her night. I couldn't bring myself to have this party last year... without her. Well, time marches on, doesn't it?" The older women let a loud sigh before looking back at the group, "How... did you find yourself roped into this fiasco?"

"Cole was our hero." Anne looped an arm with him as he stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do.

"Without him, we wouldn't have been permitted to come." Jane nodded appreciatively.

Josephine clapped her hands, gain I got the attention of the chattering kids, "Let's get you some supper. And then, off to bed. Tomorrow is a big day."

The next day, Lavinia woke up to Jane's loud snoring. The former groaned as she shook her friend awake, "Jane, you're snoring again. Wake up!"

But all Lavinia received in return is a mumbled and a painful kick to the leg, "Ouch."

Once she's realized there was no use, she got herself up from bed and headed to the bedroom to get ready.

Although it took a while since she was used to a maid picking her outfit and doing her hair, Lavinia finally exited the bedroom and headed to the dining room where Josephine was already sat.

"Good morning, dear."

"Good morning, Miss Barry." Lavinia smiled brightly before taking a seat in front of her.

"Please, call me Josephine. We are way past the formalities." Josephine gave her a pointed looked at she poured herself some team.

"Josephine," She nodded her head slowly, "Is there a theme to your party? I haven't been to any party of this sort, I wouldn't want to feel out of place. What should I expect?"

The older woman cut her anxious rambling off, a gentle smile plastered on her face as she spoke, "You should expect a riotous good time. And you need not be anyone, but simply yourself."

Although that left the girl even more confused she nodded her head, not wanting to bother her with any more questions.

She'll just be herself.


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