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The girls mothers had allowed the girls to talk to Anne, just this once, in respect to John Blythe.

Lavinia's mother told her, "This will be the only time you talk to her. After that, I do not want to see you near her ever again."

When she told Jane and Diana about this, they had mentioned their mothers told them something similar.

"If the key to a man's heart is through his stomach..."

The girls were currently in Ruby's kitchen, making a shepherd's pie for Gilbert out of respect.

Lavinia wasn't quite fond of the idea, not sure how food is supposed to make the fact that someone's father died easier.

Nonetheless, she agreed. Because she wanted to see Gilbert, talk it out with him perhaps.

"Which it is."

Ruby sighed dreamily, "Then we have to make sure that this is the best shepherd's pie that Gilbert has ever tasted."

"Being a good cook shouldn't be very high on the list of romantic attributes, if you ask me. If one was interested in romance, which I'm not, I'd like to be noticed for me, not my dinner."

"You're so funny, Anne," Diana said between her laughs, while Lavinia chuckled.

"I wasn't meaning to be funny."

"Oh. So what's on the list?" Lavinia wondered out loud, making Anne turn to face her.

"My brain, Lavinia. My personality. As in, who I am. I'd like to believe that's what truly matters. If romance matters at all. Which it doesn't."

"Yes, it does! Don't you think Gilbert looks even more handsome now that he's sad?" Ruby turned to look at the three girls—Diana, Jane, and Lavinia— who sat on the counter.

Lavinia was about to nod her head but Jane glared at her, as if telling her to not expose herself in front of Ruby.

"I didn't notice." She shook her head, making Diana frown.

"He does." Diana discreetly nudged Lavinia while smirking, making the latter blush.

"I know!" Ruby's loud voice startled all of them, making them jump slightly.

Minnie May came into the room tuning, "Ruby and Gilbert sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-"

Both Diana and Jane saw Lavinia's frown, making Diana yell at her younger sister, "Minnie May, we're trying to work."

"I'm cooking."

"You're watching. I told you that the only way you get to be here with us is if you're quiet. Don't interrupt, or you'll have to go sit with Great Aunt Josephine."


Josephine entered the room on cue, "Excuse me, ma'am."

Minnie May imitated shutting her mouth and throwing the key away, before taking a seat, "I'm being quiet."

"Then you're the only one. Cackling hens. Lord help me. Take the boy the godforsaken pie before I suffer a mental collapse."

"Sorry, Aunt Josephine." All girls chorused.

"You girls have been prattling on for hours about nothing. A parlour should be a quiet haven. Instead, it's unbearable."

"We'll take the pie straight over to Gilbert as soon as we're done, Aunt Josephine." Her granddaughter smiled at her, ushering the girls to leave.

"Is she always so surly?" Lavinia whispered.

"She's always scary. The surly part just worsened now that she's sad."

The dark-haired girl nodded in, realizing that this could be the reason Gilbert acted the way he did. Maybe he didn't mean it. His father had passed away, how could she expect him to keep his cool and stay nice. Of course, he would lash out, even if it was at the closest person to him.

Lavinia shook her head. She took the shepherd's pie with her. Surely not because Anne, Jane, and Diana ushered Ruby out first so Lavinia can have no choice but to take it.

On the way to the Blythe's residence, Lavinia stayed quiet as all Ruby did was talk about how handsome Gilbert look when he was sad.

After a long walk through the woods, they finally reached their destination.

Lavinia was behind everyone as Ruby knocked, Gilbert opened the door quickly.

Although the others were closer to him, he only looked at Lavinia. Noticing how she was avoiding his gaze.

He welcomed them in, sitting on a chair near a table while the girls stood in front of him.

"We're sorry to intrude, but we wanted you to have that."

Diana was the first to speak up, Ruby following after making them argue a bit.

"We're sorry for your loss."

"It's a shepherd's pie. We made it together, especially for you."

"Thank you."

"We hope you like shepherd's pie."

"Everyone likes shepherd's pie. We hope it's a comfort to you, Gilbert."

"Lavinia made the topping. She's a good cook."

Gilbert smiled softly at the mention of the girl, "I bet she is."

Lavinia held her scoff as she continued avoiding looking at him. Getting annoyed at his mood swings, she looked back at the girls, "We should get going, we don't want to overstay."

"Well, um thank you for stopping by." He awkwardly glanced at all the girls as he stood up, following them to his door.

Lavinia left without uttering another word, struggling to walk fast with the thick snow.

"You do realize you just ruined it?" Diana eyed the girl as she and Jane made their way to her, Ruby and Anne following behind.

"He's the one who ruined it with his stupid mood swings!"

Jane frowned, "Lavinia, his father died."

"That's not an excuse. He should get his life sorted out before lashing out at me. I was just trying to help. Well, I'm sorry Gilbert Blythe, forgive me for trying to comfort you!" She yelled as Ruby then stopped walking, who already heard enough to understand what she was talking about.

The petite blonde started sobbing uncontrollably, making Lavinia gape at her.

"Ruby," Lavinia gave her a pitying look.

"Why does it always have to be you?" Ruby exclaimed as she ran away, Lavinia going after her.

The other girls left them alone and didn't follow, deciding it was best for them to sort it out on their own.


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