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The next morning Lavinia was walking to school alone, seeing as Jane and Diana had to go to school earlier that day and help Mr. Philips.

She felt someone's presence behind her, but before she could turn around, they spoke up.

"You have any idea why Prissy was crying all night?"

It was Billy.

She turned around, making sure not to bump into him. She frowned upon hearing his words.

"Prissy was crying?"

"Yeah my parents say that's slander."

A few moments passed by and billy got tired of waiting, "so will you tell me who made her cry."

"Listen Billy, yesterday during lunch, Anne had said some pretty nasty stuff about your sister."

With that said, Billy's face changed, anger evident in his face.

"I'm going to teach that Fido a lesson."

"Billy stop, no. Fighting won't help. Plus, I'm sure Anne meant no harm."

The blond boy scoffed as he looked down on Lavinia, "Are you defending that orphan."

"Yes, I am. And that orphan happens to have a name."

"I don't care what you say, I'm going to make her regret it,"

Billy stormed off, but Lavinia held his hand, stopping him from moving. He pushed her away harshly, causing her to fall instantly.

"Hey, Billy! How's it going?" A sudden voice interrupted them.

Lavinia turned around, still on the ground, making eye contact with none other than Gilbert Blythe.

"Hey, Gilbert." Billy mustered up a smile.

Gilbert fiddled with his hands, looking between Billy and Lavinia, "Man, it's... it's, um, it's good to be back."

"Uh... yeah... yeah, welcome back."

"Yeah, it's good to see you, buddy.
So you guys playing a game or something? Right? Looks fun, but we should probably get to school, eh? Hate to be tardy. Mr. Phillips sure gets his dander up about that."

"Yeah. I was just about to get going. See ya there."

As soon as Billy left, Gilbert headed straight to Lavinia with a worried look.
"You all right, Lavinia?"

"Gilbert? You're back?" She squinted her eyes, making sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Uh- Yeah, yeah."

Lavinia cut him off, not bothering to thank him, "I better get going, school."

"You're welcome. Need anything else? Any dragons around here need slaying?!"

"I can slay my own dragons." With that she walked off, but Gilbert wouldn't take a hint and continued asking questions.

"Want to walk to school together?"

But she just ignored him. She wasn't close to Gilbert that much. Yes, they were friends, they talked to each other every day in school. But that was it. They never talked to each other outside of school, unless there was someone else with them.

Once she reached the school, with Gilbert following closely behind, she heard him talk once again.

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not ignoring you.." Before Lavinia could say his name, his friends came up to him, shouting it instead.


"How was the District of Alberta? Did you see the Rocky Mountains?" Moody was the first to ask.

"They're pretty hard to miss."

"Were they big?"

"They're mountains." Gilbert gave Moody a confused look.

"Is your dad feeling better?"

Suddenly, Gilbert's smile disappeared.
"Uh, we're both glad to be back home."

Now Lavinia felt horrible. Although the others failed to notice, Gilbert had dodged the question about his father getting better, and that only meant one thing.

She quickly left, a frown etched on her face.

"What were you doing with Gilbert Blythe?"
It was none other than Josie Pye.

"Josie stop, I'm sure Lavinia meant no harm." Ruby quietly said, smiling at her other friend.

Lavinia and Ruby were close friends, their mothers were friends after all. Because of how many times they were forced to come to the others house, they got along pretty well.

Lavinia found Ruby a sweet girl, whenever she wasn't around Josie.

"Are you seriously-"

"You heard her Josie, she said it's fine." Lavinia glared at the taller blonde, before heading to her two best friends.

"What was that about?" Jane questioned as she looked back at Josie, who was still glaring at Lavinia.

"I walked to school with Gilbert following me, Josie just had to speak for Ruby." Lavinia scoffed, while the two other girls looked at her in shock.

"Gilbert? Gilbert Blythe was following you?" Diana whispered, although everyone was busy greeting Gilbert, so it was useless.

"Yeah, he said something about us walking together."

Jane feigned sadness, "We aren't of age yet and you already have a guy following you."

"Half of the class is dying to be your beau, both you and Diana." Lavinia gave Jane a pointed look as she was about to deny it.

"I can't say no because it is true." Diana winked at the girls, causing them all to burst with laughter.

From the other side of the room, a certain dark haired guy was watching Lavinia as she smiled fondly at her friends, ignoring everyone and everything else.

But little did they know, so was a certain Blonde.


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