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"I'm so thrilled to meet Sebastian!" Lavinia spoke up, excitement evident in her voice and face.

She was, once again, outside with her father. He had offered to have a walk with her in their garden. And since it was her favorite spot at their house, she couldn't reject his offer.

"Do not act any different around him, dear. He's... Well, he's an islander. Same as you and me." He reminded his daughter of her manners.

"You said he came from Trinidad. How is it like there?"

Mr. Laurent simply laughed, "How would i know? I haven't been there, now have I?"

"Could I visit Jane and Diana after Christmas dinner? It has always been tradition for us to visit each other during Christmas."

"I suppose you can, sweetheart."

Lavinia grinned at her father, "Thank you!"

She wrapped her arms around him, which he returned lovingly. She smiled at the comforting feeling. She just hopped it wouldn't go away any time soon.


"Merry Christmas to you both!" Lavinia's father smiled brightly as soon as he opened the door.

Outside stood Gilbert and his friend who's name was Sebastian.

"And to you." Gilbert replied cheerily, smiling even more when glancing at Lavinia.

"Oh, come on in." Mr. Laurent moved away from the door, both guests entering the warm home compared to the coldness outside.

A maid has taken their coats from them, hanging it up on the coat hangers. This made Sebastian frown. He wasn't used to this kind of treatment after all.

Sebastian turned to Lavinia after shaking hands with her father, grinning widely, "I've been looking forward to meeting you, Lavinia. I've heard so much about you."

Gilbert blushed at the comment, clearing his throat to stop his friend from embarrassing him even further.

Lavinia simply chuckled, although she was dying to scream on the inside.

Gilbert Blythe has been talking about her when he was away?

That made her stomach flutter, hands sweaty as she smiled at Sebastian.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Sebastian ."

"Please, call me Bash."

She nodded her head, soon following her father to the dining room. But he turned around and stopped her, "Sweetheart, please blow out the candles on the tree."

She nodded her head in reply before heading to the living room where the huge Christmas tree was brightly shining. Allowing the heat to surround the huge area.

She slowly blowed each candle, taking her time with it. Unprepared for the dinner coming up, nervous being the only thing she felt.

She chastised herself for agreeing to this Christmas dinner so foolishly. How could she think that everything could go back to normal?

That it'll be as if Gilbert has never left town, no goodbye, no letter, no nothing.

She gulped slightly when she heard footsteps. Footsteps that didn't sound anything like her father's.

"Lavinia," He cleared his throat out of nervousness, feeling like he was being suffocated just by coming near her.

She turned around to face him and felt butterflies in her stomach at the sight of him. How could someone be this good looking?

She blushed as she realized she left him hanging, quickly replying with a 'Yes?'

He gulped at what he was about to do.

Months before, if anyone would've asked him, he would've claimed to never want to return to Avonlea. Because he had no one there. Yet here he was, standing in front of the one reason that pulled him right back.

"Merry Christmas." He smiled sweetly at her, stretching his arm for her to take his gift.

She blushed while taking ahold of the small box, "Thank you, Gilbert." But then frowned, "I, uh, don't have anything for you."

"That's alright," Gilbert smiled reassuringly.

That's when they both realized how close they are, allowing their heart to beat faster. If that was possible.

Her looking up at him, him looking down at her.

The way he looked at her red plump lips.

The way her eyelashes touched the top of her eyes while she looked up at him.

The slight pink blush that coated her face.

She immediately felt a sense of déjà vu.

He slowly inched closer, closing his eyes while she panicked. Panicked because she didn't want to do this. It simply didn't feel right.

Panicked because there was someone else on her mind.

"We should get going," She interrupted, looking down at the floor, avoiding contact.

Causing him to feel his chest tighten in pain. He wouldn't mind if she had simply refused.

But for the girl, who he was hopelessly in love with, to avoid his gaze shattered his heart. Like she was scared, and he was the sole reason.

He nodded his head, avoiding eye contact with her too, "Yeah, yeah."

And she walked back to the dinning room, taking her seat left to her father with Sebastian in front of her.

Leaving behind a frowning Gilbert, who felt as if his heart had been ripped apart.

He harshly closed his eyes, hating himself for leaving this place. For leaving the one person who gave him all he needed; love and happiness.

He knew he messed up, and he was willing to do anything and everything to make it up to her.

But the small hope vanished when he saw her scared gaze, looking up at him.

He didn't know what he had done to make her scared; so how could he even fix it?

He knew leaving was one of the reasons. He would've understood if she hated him, if she was mad at him, if she even yelled at him. Because he deserved it.

But for her to be scared of him. Just the mere thought made him want to leave town once again and never come back, in fear of spreading that fear in her.

Because he would rather get hurt than see her scared. He would do anything, and by that anything, to protect Lavinia.

He knew they were just young and had their whole lives ahead of them. But god, how he wished that she was truly the one for him.

The one he gets to spend the rest of his life with. To take care of, to travel with. To do everything with.

Because if not her, then who?


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