PART 22 // 2 - epilogue

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mumble - whirr
Ease - whirr

—— CHAP 22 // PART 2

March 28,

6 months later

"Thank you all for coming out tonight! We all appreciate you so much!"
Thousands of people roar, the room
echoing with laughter of sweaty people, the stench absorbing my nose, surely making my clothes smell the same.

My ears ring as we all say our goodbyes, the people who paid so much money just to come see us now going home with the post-event depression as we all experience.

I collapse the second we're behind the curtains, my legs giving out from entertaining for the last few hours.

"Fourth concert finally finished! Only 8 to go!" Val sings, earning simultaneous groans from the rest of us. I drag myself to the nearest couch, and Javon falls onto my lap a second later, out of breath and exhausted from our performances these past few days. Someone huffs from under me, and I just realise that we're piled up on Georg, who is now sighing in defeat.

Javon and I apologise weakly, unable to move or consider anything around us.

"Great job out there! Be ready in an hour for your interview," our manager says to us, completely careless of our current states.

I angrily get up, pushing Javon onto Georg and walking toward where my bags lie, quickly adjusting my makeup and clothes.

"Come on guys, we gotta go."

Everyone groans, the energy completely dead and defeated.

1 1/2 hours later

"Hello guys! Welcome on the morning show!" The host speaks, her smile fake, along with every single thing on her body.

We give our hellos, along with fake smiles and trying to keep ourselves presentable in our exhaustion. Zoning out, I pick at my fingernails and try to keep my smile up. Everyone speaks back and forth for a while, answering her invasion questions that not anyone has the heart to answer truthfully - us now being used to this particular host.

Minutes go by when I feel a nudge from Alyvia next to me, her whispering to get my attention. I finally look up, quickly apologising and explaining how tired I am from the events of today - a big welcoming smile on my face.

"Ah, y/n! Now - the question we all want answers for," she says, a sickening smile painted across her lips, suddenly giving me an overwhelming feeling of dread, "you and Tom! What happened between you guys? You seemed so happy....." she trails on, adding more to pile on the already long list of jabs and stabs to my body. Pictures of Tom and I display over the screens - absolutely all over the walls.

Photos of us smoking together outside that day we left for the concert, photos of us at the beach - including the one he had posted, and others of us kissing in random places, or just holding hands.

My smile drops, my head whipping back to face to my lap, not knowing what to say as she still continues on. I feel myself become more angry by the second, and Alyvia places a hand on my shoulder to try and get me up.

"Okay. Look, lady - None of us here actually like you, especially after that rude fucking question. Who even asks something like that?" I start, now standing and taking slow steps toward her, my volume increasing at each word.

The host looks shocked, suddenly acting as if I'm attacking her, wailing her arms around like an octopus, or a fish out of water.

"Fucking ugly ass bitch. Asking stupid questions all the time."


"y/n, care to explain what happened out there?" My manager asks, fuming and holding two fingers to her forehead.

"I don't care how mad you are, to be honest."

Her jaw drops slightly, shutting it again seconds later to continue her rant about my 'image'. Everyone's been loving it, actually. Its all over the tube right now.

'Enraged guitarist of Placeholder, y/n Listing screams at host when asked about ex boyfriend, Tom Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel.'

'HOT! y/n, brother of bass guitarist in Tokio Hotel, Georg Listing, becomes psychotic when asked about brothers band mate, Tom Kaulitz, who is suspected to have dated her back in September; have they officially broken up?'

'Messy interview between y/n Listing and host breaks out over ex boyfriend, Tom  Kaulitz - Was it deserved?'

I giggle, scrolling through hundreds of articles posted online, while my manager continues to scream, the others standing at a distance to avoid her wrath.



Next morning ,
6:26 am

I light my cigarette, covering the end as the wind comes through in strong passes, leaving an unfamiliar lingering feeling.

Its been six months since he left. I see photos of him with girls every week, following up with headlines of those girls cheating on him, hence a new girl comes to fill the last ones place. Its a sick cycle, but I can't feel sorry for him. Bill talks about how messed up Tom is right now, and how messed up he's been since they moved back to Germany.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I take another deep inhale of smoke before answering,

"Hallo y/n!"
I smile to myself hearing Bills voice.
"Heyy Billy! What's going on?"
"I have my tickets booked finally!!"
I sigh in relief, "Thank goodness, I was worried you wouldn't make it!"
"I'd never miss it, and Ill be there tomorrow evening."
I hum in agreement, and we chat for a little while before I hang up to have a shower.

Ill be just fine without Tom.


short guys i knooooooww.

rushed to get this out :3

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