14- coincidence

253 7 0

Shit chapter guys I'm sorry 😔😔

I've been putting off writing for ages so I'm just putting out a draft to keep you all entertained while I actually gather motivation to write better stuff

===CHAP 14

2SEATER - tyler the creator
safe in your skin - title fight

11:31 am

"Excuse me?"

Tom stands there, arms crossed and glaring at the boy.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to say whether or not I want to go out with someone?"

Tom scoffs, "And would you actually want to go out with him?"

"So what if I do?"

I shrug, looking at him furiously. He just stares back, not knowing what to say.

"I would love to go out with you," I smile, looking over to the boy, handing him my phone.

Tom scoffs, storming off while Bill runs after him, calling his name-the sound of his voice drowning out as the store door closes behind them.

We sit awkwardly for a moment, all of us trying to find ways to break the silence.

I quietly apologise for Tom's behaviour, cutting through the tension in the small booth.

Everyone shakes their head, dismissing my apology, all of them knowing it isn't my fault.

"Well," Liv starts, clapping her hands together and startling us.

We all look at her as she happily waits for our attention, "I booked us a trip!" She says excitedly, fiddling with her fingers.

"Really? Where?" Val asks, looking at her curiously.

"It's in the mountains, somewhere far to sort of get over all this tension lately," she smiles, then noticing Andreas, "luckily, I brought an extra ticket, you can come too if you want, Andreas."

He nods happily, handing me back my phone with his phone number.

"I'll text you with the details later," I smile at him as he walks back over to his table.

Liv is staring at me guiltily, in the same way as she was this morning.


She stammers, picking at the wooden table.

"I may or may not have invited Tom," she says, shutting her eyes.

I sigh, but only out of a weird sense of relief.

"It's okay, Gustav, Georg and Javon are coming too, right?"

She nods, signalling for the waitress to come over.

"We leave tonight," she smiles again.


6:29 pm

"Thank you, Mrs Wheeler"

Mrs Wheeler smiles at me warmly, taking ahold of Reden.

"I'll be gone for just 2 weeks, okay? And here's some money for looking after her," I smile, pulling out my purse and handing her something of about $200.

"Thank you honey, have fun on your trip."

"And thank you for looking after her!"

I give Reden one last snuggle before walking off to my room, opening it with my keycard.

frenemies - tom kaulitz ✮Where stories live. Discover now