2 - not my fault

539 13 5

------------------------------------------------------------- CHAP 2

youngest daughter - Superheaven

let the light in - Lana del Rey

I wake up, my back hurting, my neck aching, the usual. I've had insomnia since I was a kid, and it was especially bad tonight. I sit up, resting my feet on the floor beneath me. This is the fourth time I've woken up at this hour. I look around for a moment, then decide to get up anyway. I hop into the bath, allowing it to fill up as I undress, suddenly feeling the temperature of the room much more harshly.

I tensed up at the heat from the bath at first, yet after a few minutes, the heat causing pain was now mixing into relaxation. I lean back into the bath, feeling the water engulf me up to my chin. I lazily light up a smoke, slightly coughing at the deep inhale I take as well as the weird position in the bath. I sigh, closing my eyes and allowing myself to feel the warm presence of the water around me.

5:26 am

I'm sat on my bed, listening to music and trying to perfect my new song on guitar. I sing the lyrics to Youngest Daughter softly to myself, I really need to get this song down, otherwise, I may not meet the deadline for my new album.

I'm not exactly famous, but because of my brother I'm able to record my music with my band in studios, and we are known and recognised. And hey- we have some fans who don't even know who Tokio Hotel is! This new album is mainly rock, but we have one feature rap song - because our band is mixed in styles and tastes. We have 12 songs on this album;

- Knife Prty - Deftones

- Be quiet and drive (far away) - Deftones.

- Cherry waves - Deftones

- Hole in the earth - Deftones

- Covet – basement.

- Youngest daughter - Superheaven

- leach - Superheaven

- I'm so sick (demo) – flyleaf.

- Brooklyn Baby – Lana del Rey.

- when the sun hits - Slowdive

- answer - Tyler, the creator

It was stressing us all the fuck out; we hadn't even come up with a name for the album yet. What if we had put all this effort in and people still don't like it?

I sigh, now feeling the stinging in my fingertips from playing guitar. I pull out my phone, going to message the group chat. My eyes wander around my screen,

5:46 am.

"Ain't no one awake right now," I say aloud to myself, cringing. I throw my phone onto my bed, being cautious of Reden, who was now sleeping next to one of my Hello Kitty plushies, making a muffled noise against the messed-up blankets and pillows scattered everywhere.

I quietly groaned at the thought and decided to go back to practising guitar.

6:27 am

it had been about an hour of practising after I realised that I did need to have a break. My fingers are covered in small cuts and bleeding like little paper cuts, and my wrists hurting like hell, which was my fault for gripping too hard. I dragged myself out of my room, trudging to the medicine cabinet to try and grab band-aids.

(if you're following along with music play let the light in now)

I put one knee up on the counter, giving myself a boost up to grab the box, but I noticed Tom standing there mid-boost and I knocked over a bunch of things, the band aids spilling out on the floor and counter.

frenemies - tom kaulitz ✮Where stories live. Discover now