9 - breathe

395 10 10

===== CHAP 9

Caraphernelia - Pierce The Veil
nuts - Lil peep

2:53 pm

Taking a big inhale, I stare at the road in front of me, winding kilometres ahead, differing buildings and houses on either side. Each building and house has its own story, showing character in different ways; each one being over 50 years old and accompanied by the residents who have lived here their whole lives, bringing new life to the empty town.

I notice a few teenagers walking past, 1 guy, and 3 girls. 2 of the 3 girls are walking with the guy, both of them tall and blonde, wearing short clothes and adjusting their badly placed extensions. The other girl is walking far behind them, poorly dyed black hair hanging over her face. She looks as though she is trying to avoid their gaze, walking slowly behind them and anxiously training her focus on her fingernails, chipped and messily painted black, then to her ipod, blue and cracked.

I silently watch her closely, feeling a sense of dread. Taking another drag of my cigarette, I watch as the two girls notice the girl behind them, causing one to tap the guy on the arm.
He uninterestedly looks at her as she whispers something to him, both of them now focusing on the black-haired girl behind them.

The blondes start talking, but they're too far for me to make out anything. I turn my attention to Tom, who is already looking at me, now throwing his tobacco on the ground and putting it out.

He smiles at me, eyes soft and welcoming. He furrows his eyebrows, looking confused,

"you okay?"

I feel my heart begin to pound inside my chest, feeling speechless.

I mutter out a yes before stomping my own cigarette out, avoiding his eyes. I train my eyes on his shoes, black nikes, which are peaking from underneath his black baggy jeans. Seemingly with a black theme, he's also wearing a black shirt with a silly print on the front. Obviously, he looks good, better than usual even.

I glance back over toward the teenagers, and to my horror, they're gone.

Frowning, but quickly trying to shake out of my thoughts, I look back at Tom,
"I feel like the only time we're alone is when we're having a smoke," I laugh dryly.

He nods, letting out a small laugh,
"I kinda like it, it feels like our thing" he replies, emphasising the 'our'.

Laughing more, I reply, "yeah, it does."

"You know, y/n.." he starts, looking at me deeply.

I tilt my head, waiting for a response, "yeah, Tom?"

"y/n, Tom," I turn my attention to the direction of the voice, "we've gotta get going to set up the recording studio for tomorrow!" I hear Georg call out from behind us, followed by Bill trying to shut him up. I sigh, looking back over at Tom.

"What were you going to say?"

"You'll see soon enough," he says smirking, grabbing ahold of my hand and walking me back to the ice cream store, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

We walk to an oblivious Georg and Bill, who's now sighing with a disappointed look on his face. Tom mumbles angrily toward Georg, Bill mouthing a sorry.

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