8 - new?

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=== CHAP 8
Wicked game - Chris Isaak
976-EVIL - Deftones

1:27 pm

I look down at Tom's hands, which are placed delicately yet protectively around my waist. We're standing in line at a small ice cream shop located just outside the shopping centre we were just in. I look up at the shopping bags around Tom's shoulder, and he smiles at me softly.

He slightly tilts his head, moving one of his hands from my waist up to my face, brushing a stand of hair out of my eyes, "you ok, y/n?"

I nod silently, rubbing his arm reassuringly, "I'm just still upset you paid for all of this" I smile sadly, looking at the 4 bags hanging off his shoulder.

He shakes his head, the various bags moving along with him, "don't feel bad at all, it was my choice."

I then hear someone clearing their throat, and I look to see an annoyed Georg.

"Come on, seriously?" he sighs.

Tom's expression immediately changes from soft to annoyed, he grunts and moves away from me, "shut up, bro."

He seems so, cold? His face is just showing absolute disgust - yet just a second ago..

"Y/n, come on the lines moving," Val pitches in, bringing me back. Bill is clinging onto her arm, and he smiles widely at me. I smile at them, holding onto Bills other arm and joining them down the line, viewing the many different flavours and colours of icecream in front of us.

The shop is quite small, with a pink checkered floor and yellow walls. It is completely packed with people, making it almost hard to walk without being in someone's way.

As I'm talking with Val and Bill, I notice Alyvia and Javon 2 steps behind us while Gustav, Georg and Tom are in front ordering while whispering among themselves.

Mid sentence, I feel arms snake around my waist, and to my horror I look up to see Mateo smirking down at me.

I try moving away, but his grip tightens on my waist, now causing it to hurt.

"Mateo? Stop" Alyvia calls out, grabbing his arm.

He shrugs her off, now moving his hands on me. I just want to cry. Mateo has always been weird but not serious enough for us to be worried.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Tom's voice echoes, causing a lot of people to walk out.

Mateo scoffs, "I don't think she likes you anymore, buddy."

Tom quickly pulls me out of his grip, a contradicting expression on his face. Mateo laughs, going for another comeback before Tom swiftly punches him - right in the nose, causing the bags on his shoulder to fall all at once. Mateo stumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Georg walked around the corner, ice cream in hand, hearing the commotion. I quickly walk over to him, watching as Gustav and Javon try to stop the two fighting.

Georg gives me a knowingly look, then turning back to silently watch the fight unfold. I feel someone come up behind me and freeze, then easing at the sound of Bills voice,

"Y/n? Are you okay?? I just saw that whole thing!" He coos, hesitating.

I nod, smiling sadly at him. He thinks for a moment, then looks excited, grinning from ear to ear.

He grabs my shoulder, giggling and looking at me with a playfulness in his eyes. "You need a new bass player!" He says excitedly, motioning at Val.

"We're not kicking Mateo out!" I say, panicked.

"Ummm, yes you are." Georg speaks up from behind me.

I sigh, then looking over to Val. It would definitely be cool to have her in our band.

"Okay. I will talk about it with Alyvia and Javon," I say, nodding at him.

He jumps up and down excitedly, his jewellery making clinging noises along with it, holding both of my arms.

Bill then looks serious for a split second, now realising that the fight is starting to finish up. "You know, I haven't seen Tom fight like that for anyone."

I feel something bubbling up, and I look at Bill, to see him already looking back at me.

"Like, genuinely." He says, switching his gaze back to the fight.

Tom is now sitting up against a chair, catching his breath and leaning his head back. He had obviously won, and came out with a couple of bruises. I then look over at Mateo, who is bloodied up and bruised. Javon is helping him, giving him support to walk out of the store.

Snapping out of my trance, I rush over to Tom. Still panting, he manages to give me a small reassuring smile, sneaking in a wink as well.
I shake my head, "oh my god, Tom"
I laugh, "seriously, are you okay?"

He nods, "he only got a couple punches, I'm okay, y/n."

I help him up, putting one arm on his lower back and using the other to hold his hand for support. It's now silent in the store, the pink walls now feeling creepy rather than cute as it had been before. Bill mumbles something to the others and they all nod, following him out the door. Confused, I watch as they all walk out in a single file line, all smirking at us.

Turning around, Tom is already looking at me.  Shakily, he pulls out a cigarette, flashing me his signature smile. I felt a lot of deja vu as he slowly gave it to me,



tysm for your patience i love you

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