6 - Maybe so

438 13 6

Getting a bit more progressive i'm sorry😭😭😭

------------------------------------------------------------- CHAP 6


Nichts Wird Besser (Demo) – Devilish

10:21 pm
I felt heavy as our set ended, and I pushed through the crowd to get where Tom, Bill, Gustav and my brother are. I stop every couple of seconds to relieve the basically desperate and rabid fans who are almost groping me to get pictures, autographs, give me gifts – or anything, really. As long as they've had the recognition that they've always wanted. It took me by surprise, not realising before how many fans we really had. I finally lock eyes with Gustav, out of breath and sweating like crazy, I double over and hold my chest for a moment, trying to catch my breath.

"What...who ......where......when.... Why" I get out between breaths, now feeling tight in the chest, gripping poor Gustav's shoulder trying to balance myself.

Georg chuckles at me, "Surprise!" he, Bill, Tom and Gustav chime in.

"You kept complaining about how stressful this weekend was going to be for you, especially because of the recording on Monday," Bill says, balancing me and giving me a tight hug.

I close my eyes shut, now feeling more composed in his embrace. As I open them to thank Bill, I notice Tom staring intensely at me, a certain look in his eyes. I pull back from Bill, jumping on Georg,
"I wish you would've told me," I frown, "I would have done better if I'd known"

Tom answers before anyone else, softly turning me toward him and out of the hug with Georg, "Are you serious, y/n? you were fucking amazing out there" he says, a serious and almost shocked tone in his voice.

Gustav laughs and we all turn to him, "She may have to teach you, bro".

Everyone laughs at Gustav's remark, including my bandmates who had just joined us, and I suddenly feel someone's hands wrap around my waist from behind me. I turn my head to see a nervous-looking Tom. Shocked, I open my mouth to speak, but he does before I can say anything,

"Is this okay?" He asks, looking concerned. I laugh nervously, gingerly bringing my hand up to one of Tom's arms and nodding slightly. I don't mind at all, but was this supposed to mean something? It had to be in a friendly way, right? No way Tom likes me like that. I look around me to see people's reactions; Georg looks confused, if anything, while the others see it but don't pay it any mind.

I decide to go with it, assuming it's some joke. I begin to lean back on Tom, using him as a support to stay standing.

We notice the venue being cleared out, and eventually what once was full of chatter and yelling, was now quiet and echoey. We all look at each other for a moment, quickly deciding to drive around for somewhere to eat.

Luckily, Gustav and Tom had brought their own cars, so we split into two groups. In Gustavs car is Mateo, Alyvia and Georg, while in ours we have Tom, Bill, Javon and I.

I climb in, taking a seat next to Bill in the backseat. Javon and Tom are sitting upfront, making small talk. The heater is blasting, struggling against the cracked open windows.
Bill excitedly gets on AUX, playing his favourite songs loudly and dancing with me.

I'm talking with Bill as we pull into the parking lot of a diner, which looks pretty decent considering the area we're in, known for extremely high crime rates and being a generally dirty city. I happily jump up, helping Bill out like he's a pretty princess (he is), and we don't bother waiting for Tom to lock the car, running into the diner and claiming a spot in the very corner.
I quietly read the menu; waffles, pancakes, ham and cheese toast-
"I think Tom likes you."

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