Boss's Addendum

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Boss sat in his quiet study and spoke aloud to his AI tablet.

He said: "My name is Barmodous, AKA, Boss. I am a Titan, and it is time to finish this Memoir Pentalogy I have called, Re-Forge."

"Titans attained the goal, intended by the power of evolution. They defied the odds and became supreme rulers of the Greater Cosmos, and against their basic nature, saved a thousand highly evolved species. All one thousand species, now serve faithfully under their new God, Adara."

"The future will always be uncertain, but the past has provided Titans with the tools to rekindle existence itself. The old God has moved on to that distant place where old Gods go. And in their pocket universe, the seeds of creation and life itself, await the time when they can go forth into a newly created, Greater Cosmos."

"That is for the future, but now, Adara, AKA, Queen Adara, AKA, The Greater Cosmic God, is benevolent and caring. In time, she will create a new, Greater Cosmos from the one 'great' Pre-creation mass after it swallows existence as we know it."

Boss continued: "In time, Adara will apply her new and improved designs to a new Greater Cosmos, and the rest of us Titans, and the other saved species, will manage what she creates. It has been decided that Nanites are the keystone of Titan technology as without them, the objects we build including our resilient Infinity Battery powered bodies, would eventually fail."

"Nanites renew, so everything that amounts to the sum of Titan technology is forever new. This is the future that has been bequeathed by the departing God and will be a tribute to his tenure while he was in power."

"Adara qualifies to be called God because she was tailor made by God's Nanites to be his successor. There truly is no better qualification."

Then Boss dictated: "Due to everything that has come to pass during this journey, the quandary uppermost in my mind, is... If the goal of the Greater Cosmos is perfection through evolution, then how is perfection measured? My mind says that perfection is unattainable because realistically, perfection is in the eye of the beholder."

"The cycle of existence for the Greater Cosmos has been stopped in its tracks by Titan Technology. Never again will there be a need for 'existence itself' to be reset because of imminent power failure, and the panic to find the one person who can take over from the previous God and start it all again will not be needed until the New God, Adara, decides it is time to move on."

"Adara will begin a new Greater Cosmos, but she is in no rush to get the ball rolling, and unlike previous Gods, Adara will not grow lonely as she has Steve, the TEN and the Titan council supporting her for eternity."

Boss continued: "I have it on good advice that Adara has hit the pause button until further notice or until her family and those thousand species who are her dependents grow bored with R&R. This is the way of things under our 'new' God."

Far away in the depths of the never-ending void, Adara's creator enjoyed some quiet time. He reached for his favourite series and opened the fifth book to the current page where the exact words of this sentence appeared as he read them.

He smiled Boss's understanding of the books function as God read that he was smiling at what he read. God shook his head at the quandary and accepted the dilemma. Obviously, Boss felt he had made his point as the book's focus changed back to Titus...

Steve and Hymie sat quietly on the beach just below the high tide mark in banana chairs set to the reclined position. They were bait fishing for a change, as both did when they were more interested in having a drink and chilling out rather than pursuing active fishing. Neither spoke much as they enjoyed each other's company even though the fish seemed uninterested.

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now