Battle in the Void

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The Adonai XO said: "Fleet Commander. We have received a message that the Morfin fleet has transitioned to sub-light inside the edge of universe five closest to us. Their current rate of deceleration will bring them within jump range when they come to a full stop in three human weeks."

The Fleet commander said: "Did we actually count the number of Morfin ships, this time?"

The XO said: "Yes, Fleet. Their total number of ships is more than nine million."

The Fleet Commander pursed his very human looking lips and said: "Are there any Graviton ships among them?"

The XO answered: "No Graviton waves have been detected."

Seff smiled to himself and ordered: "XO, commence with the next phase of the invasion strategy."

The XO relayed the order to the fleet and the pre-assigned one million Adonai warships followed Seff's flagship as it made the first teleportation jump toward Infinity Hub Ten.

The remaining nine million warships stayed in position under the control of their sub-commander to await the arrival of the Morfin fleet.

Satisfied that everything was proceeding to plan, Seff retired to his duty office to work on unfinished reports so all would be in order before the eight-week deadline.

After a week of fishing and relaxing with the members of the TEN who seemed to live for the occasional binge fishing experience. Boss felt he had procrastinated enough. He was satisfied that his deception had not fostered unrepairable damage to the feelings of the other members of the TEN and the SP council.

On his last day of fishing, it was both Matt Black and Steve Pritchard that joined Boss on the beach. They came prepared, with their avatars towing BBQ equipment, food, and cold beer.

The sun was rising as Matt began cooking after the avatars finished setting up. In short order, the BBQ breakfast sizzling on the hot plate consisted of bacon, steak, eggs, mushrooms, tomato, and caramelised onion and baked beans. The food sent a fragrant invitation to Steve and Boss upon the gentle early morning breeze and flocks of hungry seagulls gathered from nowhere and waited for handouts or opportunity theft.

Steve and Boss were unable to hold out as the tantalising smell lured them to the table. Matt opened a paper bag containing oven fresh bread rolls and their aroma added to the mouth-watering breakfast smorgasbord.

Steve said: "I am thankful to the maker that throughout all of our modern evolution, there are still simple things like bacon and egg rolls with BBQ sauce."

Matt replied: "I want the steak on my rolls."

Then Steve said: "Okay... but my point is that it's sharing moments like these. Having good food in a great setting with the people I care about that brings the most joy. For me, this is what life is all about. It makes the hard times in my life, survivable. That, and having a Goddess by my side."

Boss sat with the men and listened to the banter silently and after the meal, he said: "I don't understand why all of you are going out of your way to make me feel part of your circle. You already have everything you can possibly take from me, and I am powerless to stop you taking anything else you want. There is no need to be like this?"

Matt placed his orange juice back on the table, let out a lung full of air. Then said: "I see the time has come for plain talking. Excellent, let's get everything settled and then get back to fishing."

Boss nodded and Matt said: "We were shocked when you appeared in the beginning, me most of all, I think. Only Adara and the SPs were fast enough to remain calm. Instantly, every member of the NINE were surrounded in individual forcefields to protect us from you, and with Adara and 'B' Sharp's instantaneous help, the shock of your appearance, where none is allowed... ever, was controlled."

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now