God's Envoy

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Twenty-five years on Titus passed in peace, but not without challenges. Titus remained busy building warships and the infrastructure needed to support them. Warship hangers, and accommodation were located at random points around the hull on the 'Terra, Adona, and Morf 'levels.

On the Terra level, the human population that Adara moved from New Earth have become Titans. Their population expansion has been capped at forty million citizens and they are spread across the Terra level in small communities connected by Magno-tube tunnels.

The original 'Battle Group One' has grown to consist of thirty Graviton warships crewed by Terrans and SPs and commanded by Joshua as Group Commander and Steve and Hymie as his sub-commanders.

The Morfin population are very long lived, some can live seven thousand Titan years. Their rate of reproduction is slow by human standards at ten years between each spawning cycle that produces one descendant from a clutch average of fifteen thousand eggs. To enable that single Morfin to step from the birthing pond, they must kill the competition in hand-to-hand combat while still in the breeding pond.

Only the fittest Morfin survive. But even though there were only five hundred couples. The Empress Khy Tre ensured that many thousands of fertilised clutches were suspended in additional life pods. When the time came to populate the Morf level, these clutches were machine planted under the mud in thousands of breeding ponds to assist in the initial rebuilding of the Morfin population.

After twenty-five years, there were thousands of young Morfin. All with potent toxin in their tails. Some of these young adults formed a military fleet designated as 'Battle Group Two.' It consisted of thirty warships under the command of Supreme Commander, Blake Eden.

Among the new generations of young Morfin was the successor to the Morfin throne. Her name was Khy Tre, in honour of her grandmother. Like her mother, Empress Fang. Khy Tre's place was to learn how to reign over the Morfin population and accompany her mother for political meetings and attend the Titus Council. One day in the future, she would replace her mother as Empress and serve Adara as a Titus Council member.

The Adonai were by far, the largest population, but their twenty million plus ships, operated to police the Superverse. The ten original ship crews were bolstered by the crews from another ten thousand Adonai warships. They were now Titan citizens living on the Adona level and supplying crews for three hundred Graviton warships that formed Battle group three, under the leadership of General Boss.

The primitive species levels, Neanda and Bennu, were 'off limits' to all personnel accept Calemon, who only entered when disguised by Nanites as a member of that species.

Matt called an emergency holo-conference as there was simply not enough time for all Council members to gather in Terra Central. Internal travel between levels and across levels from the central support column was still lengthy. Reducing travel time between centres was the priority that the GRAV Team was currently undertaking.

The time needed to travel internally to any location within Titus grated on Matt's nerves, and he was pushing hard for some sort of teleport system that could allow instant travel from the central support column to certain points across each populated level and the Garden of Eden on level one

For now, he stared into the many faces via holographic hook-up. He did not beat around the bush, instead, he said: "Greetings all. The envoy to the One True God has arrived at Infinity Hub Ten and when challenged by the Adonai, it requested the whereabouts of Titus."

Matt looked at the holographic representations of councillors around the large conference table and said: "I will need Boss, Blake and Adara to accompany me for a second meeting in the same environment as last time. I intended to add SP1, but it can't make it because of its current obligations with its GRAV Team."

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