The Birth of Titus

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On the Adonai flagship, the XO reported: "Fleet, the human Mothership, Eden, is alone. There is no support detectable anywhere in the void. We are clear to engage on your command."

Seff checked his time piece and said: "XO this is just too easy. It must be a trap. Just a few moments more to zero hour and there is still no movement from Eden."

The XO replied: "I have no suitable answer, but I agree with your conclusion. I wonder though. With our attack strategy, does that matter?"

Seff asked: "Do we have the scans of Infinity Hub and Warehouse Ten?"

The XO said: "Yes Sir. Our scouts have scanned them since our arrival, and they are empty. Boss did say that the humans prefer to live within Eden."

Seff said: "I want to poke the nest to see if anyone is home. I just want to see movement... anything. I don't want to simply jump into a trap.

The XO said: "Pardon Sir, I mean no disrespect, but if we poke the nest, we will lose the element of surprise. In my opinion, we have no choice. Our strategy must be followed as agreed. Fleet two will attack on time as we have not told them different."

Seff said: "It feels wrong, but we are locked in. We must engage as it is too late to amend the plan."

Seff thought: "I suddenly feel like I'm out of my depth and it is pointless sending a drone back to attack fleet two, it will never arrive in time to stop them attacking, anyway... I really have no choice. Even though I am the leader of this invasion, am I still, just another pawn in a long chain of pawns?"

On Eden, nerves were fraying as the hours ticked by. Blake remained standing next to the interactive battle coordination holovid podium. Unlike his Bio-human past, Blake found he was not tired from countless hours of standing.

He remained at peek alertness, but there was nothing changing in the void. All his troops, accept Fang, were suited up and waiting in their personal attack pods located inside T001's hangers.

Blake thought: "I wish Fang was here, but things have changed. As her Consort-Partner, war and military strategy are my domain, and Fang is the policy and law maker for every Morfin apart from me. Change happened... I evolved... and now it is time to take control of my future."

Blake came to awareness with the sudden realisation of his position and responsibilities to his empress and Titans. With concrete purpose and conviction clear to those listening, he said: "Ship, I am changing my command to my personal battle pod."

In the conference room: "Fang leapt to her feet and her tail swished close to those around her, then stood straight up behind her with its toxin bulb vibrating."

Those near her leapt or leaned back away from her deadly tail and Matt asked: "Fang, what is it that has you so excited?" He glanced at Adara, seeing she was smiling, then he looked back to Fang.

Fang said: "Can't you see, Blake has realised who he has become. He just broke through the barrier. He is now Morfin, my Consort-Partner, and my Supreme Commander. I just heard his true heart beating, through his voice. This is exactly what I needed to hear. I am no longer afraid for my species."

Hymie said: "If you are what a Morfin empress looks like when she is afraid and unsure, then I never want to be your enemy."

Adara searched Blake's emotions and surface thoughts and she could feel his sense of ease with himself. Fang was right. Blake's assertiveness, and control had solidified. Adara added: "We have been waiting for Blake's resolve to solidify. His spirit has been floating inside his Morfin shell since the transfer. 'B' Sharp and I have been monitoring him and I can confirm that he is now deeply anchored to his new body.

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