Adonai Attack Fleet - Universe Five

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The Cosmos is decimal... This simple fact proves there is a God or 'Supreme Entity' at the pinnacle of the technology pyramid. The reason is not an assumption or faith, but fact. There are ten universes in each multiverse and while each universe is chaotic and variable, they are allocated identically organised, and structured space to occupy. There is nothing random about restraining the multiverse to pre-set boundaries.

Separating the universes that form each multiverse, are identical 'vast' voids containing nothing but vacuum. The greatest void is located at the centre of each Multiverse and is occupied by an Infinity Hub and Re-Creation Seed Warehouse. The same pattern is repeated for each of the ten multiverses that form one Superverse.

Far into human past on Earth, the Bennu and Adonai visited as both species are identified in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Adonai are the oldest recorded Gods in human history, and 'both' alien species left their irrefutable influence on Earth's primitive society.

In addition to Egypt, the Adonai investigated China in four hundred BC, and during that visit, introduced the decimal system. The Maya civilisation in South America also received the gift of knowledge and became well versed in astronomy.

After destroying the most advanced city called Atlantis, the Adonai report clearly states that investigators were comfortable that humans did not have the potential to become a credible threat in the time remaining before the reptile 'Family' visited Earth.

Knowing that the ravenous reptile species would make a meal of humans long before any serious technical ability was developed was satisfactory reason for the Adonai to ignore them.

This excellently detailed report is the reason that the meteoric rise of humans onto the cosmic stage came as a shock to every dominating species in Multiverse Ten. The Adonai were satisfied to spy and dabble behind the scenes, thinking in the long term about annexing that multiverse. but when humankind obliterated every species who attacked them, the Adonai saw humans as 'the' major threat to Adonai dominance.

Until the blindingly fast human rise to power occurred, the Adonai believed they had plenty of time to prepare for an invasion of multiverse ten. As a result, they were not prepared to move in counterpoint to humans as the numbers in their war machine were already stretched too thin to cover the vast area of the other nine multiverses that made u the Superverse.

At the current level of Adonai technological evolution, they were aware of only one existing Superverse. That Superverse contains ten Multiverses and over the span of Billions of years, the Adonai had successfully conquered nine. Only Multiverse Ten remained unconquered.

The Adonai are the one exception to the general rule of committing their entire species in any one war as Adonai resources are vast. Learning that humans evolved from riding camels in the desert and sailing ships made of wood, to ruling multiverse ten in a mere six thousand years, meant that they identified the fact that something extraordinary was unfolding before their eyes.

As if the human rise to power was not already alarming, the Adonai were shocked to discover that humans knew how to manipulate the ultimate destructive power in the superverse and as a result, they identified an urgent and legitimate threat to their existence. In earlier texts of the Re-Forge biography, it was explained that long lived species dwell on problems for many years before deciding on strategies needed to resolve them.

The larger the problem, the more thought and 'strategy building' is needed. Then time is needed for discussion and debate before decisive action is taken. It is important to find the right solution for every problem.

Even though the Adonai know about the power humans wield, and the reactive, impenetrable armour called Impervium, the Adonai remain certain that humans are vulnerable to the greatest, and most secret Adonai weapon of mass destruction.

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