Battle of the Gods

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Time passed slowly as those on the bridge waited for Adara to return. At last, she entered and said: "I can share some of my secret."

She looked at several faces of those waiting expectantly around her and said: I know that everyone thinks God wants us to kill each other in the battle of the Gods, but I hope that is not his true intention. I think that killing each other does not make sense in the grand scheme."

"I believe in my heart of hearts that God set this up so the other nine opponents will attack Titus to delay or prevent them attacking and killing each other so we can save a thousand species instead of just one hundred."

Adara thought some more then said: "I don't just want to hope this idea to be God's true intention... we must make that outcome, a fact. Guys, surely the 'creator' of evolution didn't force the cream to rise to the top in the Greater Cosmos, just to see it destroy itself. I'm sure he wants all of us to survive."

Adara eyed the unconvinced faces surrounding her, then she said: "All of you know the score, so when I'm finished explaining, do the calculations yourselves. There are ten candidates entering this Battle. That is one thousand species in total. Whether we see them as good or bad is not important."

"What is important, and a fact, is that every one of those species is the ultimate outcome of evolution in their own Cosmos. We do not have enemies... What we have are potential allies in the ultimate survival scenario. It's a matter of perception. I think I know what God really wants from Titans and I think we are obligated to do as he wants. He is God, after-all."

Adara met the many eyes looking expectantly at her again, and saw they waited for her next words with bated breath. Then, in answer, to their waiting and via the 'B' Sharp crystal network. Adara linked with every member of the Titus council, and that council included the leading councils from the one hundred alien species living inside Titus.

When all of them acknowledged Adara, and she could feel their total attention was focused on her, she said: "Titus Council, I am Adara Eden. You all know me as the person who stands at the back of the council hall during the larger sessions. I have remained quite while I observe and advise behind the scenes, until now."

Adara paused, then said: "In a few hours, we will enter the battle zone of the Gods as one of ten contenders for a battle to the death with nine other cosmic superpowers. Due to this critical date with destiny, and additional knowledge of catastrophic proportion that has recently come to my attention, the time has arrived for me to assume leadership of Titans in an official capacity."

"We know that Titus has always operated under military rule, but I can no longer avoid my responsibility, I must accept my birthright as supreme ruler of all Titans..."

Adara paused then said with reinforced assertiveness: "Titans, from this point forward, Titus is a Monarchy, and I am your Queen."

Without hesitation, the original Eden Council, consisting of Matt, Joshua, Storm, Sharon, Calemon, Susan, SP1, Steve and Hymie, who were all on the Bridge of Titus and in addition, both Boss, and Fang, bowed low with the respect that a subject must show to the supreme ruler. Adara remained silent until all present followed the example set by the inner Council.

When all present complied, Adara said: "Please rise."

After everyone returned to the upright position, Adara announced to all: "Councillors and Military leaders, my following words may seem odd, but I assure you that my strategy is sound as I have calculated probability factors to the last decimal place."

"When we enter the battle zone from our wormhole departure aperture, I expect that we will already be surrounded by an alliance of opponents. If that is not the case, then we will advertise our position with huge graviton waves."

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now