Into the Abyss

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In the year 4,001,121 AD, to the day, Titus materialised at the inward clearing zone of the God Realm. He was not challenged as none in the God Realm will challenge the rulers of Cosmos Ten.

Across the entire cosmos, it is well known that to attack Titans, is the path to extinction for your species, but that is where fact stops, and legend begins. Those species who have advanced to the point of superverse level supremacy, always believe their technology can overwhelm Titan's ability to defend, and evolution's requirement causes them to embrace risk for the sake of gain.

Now, because Adara and the Titus Council have chosen their one hundred legions from all the species who have attacked them over the last four million years, there is no longer the possibility of Titan citizenship for survivors.

One hundred species were chosen as per God's requirement and their survivors were welcomed into Titus once they agreed to undergo the required invasive security measures. all one hundred species now live as Titans in most respects.

Over the eons since Adara visited God, Titus continued to grow and evolve. Under Adara's guidance, he doubled his size, and now measures close to fifty thousand kilometres in diameter. Titus has evolved his defence, attack and power generating technology immeasurably.

The larger size of Titus required additional vertical support columns lined with Nanite created mountain ranges that spanned thousands of kilometres and reached into the ceiling hundreds of kilometres above each planet level.

The population of every species on Titus is capped and maintained at twenty million citizens, per species. Population control is maintained through each citizen's internal 3+AI processor to prevent over population density.

Of all the levels, only the 'Garden of Eden' on level one remains uninhabited. That single level is off limits to all species, except humans except for 'B' Sharp, Blake, Fang, and Boss. The reason for this is because the Garden of Eden has become a memorial to the struggle of the human species across the countless ages. It is the one, non-negotiable concession for the species who have been provided with a home within Titus.

In the Garden of Eden, Hymie eased his Graviton powered ocean-going ship alongside the Pipi Island resort's main dock and placed its AI in station-keeping mode, then its old-fashioned looking gangway lowered to the dock. Matt's closest friends followed him, laughing, and joking, into the resort hotel.

They gathered in a large semicircle in front of Matt, and he said: "Sadly, this could be our last fishing trip... at least for a while. The time has arrived for Adara to meet her maker. She will let him know that we are ready to fulfil our obligation and take our place for the Battle of the Gods."

Joshua said: "Well, that may be so, in the larger scheme of things, but I'm already planning my next trip. Even with all the drama, normal life activities still need to be enjoyed and I for one, am dutybound to enjoy them."

"I think I want to try out the rock fishing on Edmond's bluff. The current is strong around the headland and catching anything there will be a challenge worth the effort. Who's in."

Most of the group put up their hands including SP1 and the GRAV Team, but then Adara butted in, to say: "I hate to be the person to bring this party to an end, but Titus has arrived next to the Imperial City in the God Realm, and I have an appointment with God."

Boss said in a questioning tone: "I would like to accompany you if he will allow it."

Adara said: "This is not the time for social visits, Boss."

Boss looked despondent and said: "I thought he would say yes mainly because of I'm the author of Re-Forge."

Adara said: "I know that God enjoys reading your memoirs. It is one of the ways he keeps track of the progress we make as individuals, and as one of the ten chosen contenders."

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