The New Blake

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Fang and Blake entered the Essence Transfer Centre, hand in hand. Fangs anxious emotions were evident by the retracted position of her eyestalks, her deflated gill ridges, and her swishing tail.

Adara noted that Fang was much more concerned than Blake and she said: "I know you are anxious, Fang, but trust me when I say that I have done this many, many times. I'm now certain that Blake's new body was imprinted with mating instincts at the genetic level when it was made. He will function with the required finesse when you need it."

Fang looked immediately relieved and a little embarrassed until Adara said: "I should warn you that there was one tiny mishap in the manufacture of his body." She held up a hand to stall Fang's imminent concerned questions and said: "Ahh, remember when I said that the Nanites took over building your body and it came out supercharged?"

Fang nodded, too pensive to speak. Then Adara said: "Well, the same thing happened to Blake's Morfin body during manufacture. He will have enhanced strength. His brain structure will multiply his IQ and memory, but I won't be able to measure how much until after testing."

Fang released her pent-up breath and said: "Is that all, I am not that type of female who is intimidated by a stronger or smarter partner. That's fine by me, I am quite excited by the concept of a partner who is stronger."

Adara nodded and looked a little worried, then said: "I'm pleased that you have an unbiassed approach to relationships. Most Morfin females would find a stronger male a little too much to accept."

Fangs eyestalks retracted and she said: "There is something you are not telling me; I have come to know human behaviour and you are being evasive. Does he have two heads, an extra leg or two tails?"

Adara laughed a little at Fangs nervous chatter. It was not like her at all, then she thought: "Better that I just come out with it."

Adara casually added: "Oh, I almost forgot. Blake's tail is not just for show like other Morfin. Its toxin is the same potency as yours."

Fangs tail became rigid in the strike position as she absorbed the news, then she exclaimed: "Holy Morfineater. How is that even possible, Queen Adara?"

Adara answered: "I asked the same question. I surmise that some other force... External to me, actively manipulated the build of Blake's body with its own design and reasons for it. The modifications were outside my control. I thought I had completely wrested control away from that entity. It seems that I was wrong."

Fang said: "You know this is a terrible situation. If Blake loses control, someone will die. Blake would never forgive himself if that happened, especially if it is me."

Blake said: "Can I have a say?"

Fang stopped, bowed to Blake and then he said: "I think that if some super powerful Entity made my new body like that, then they would be aware of the dangers. Surely, it would be the same as the mating instinct that was added at the genetic level. The skill and control I will need to use that deadly weapon, will also be included."

Adara smiled and said: "Wait until you put on the new body before you show off how smart you are, young man."

Fang nodded and said: "I will accept the risk after hearing Blakes words, but his poisonous tail must remain a secret from everyone. It will be our secret weapon and his unexpected, ultimate last line of defence."

Adara said: "Great, let's get this done, the evacuation is already running behind schedule, and I need every available person out there who can assist with the move, and that means you two. It's not just people we are moving, it's all the farm animals, wild fauna, and sea life that we can squeeze into Titus as well."

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