The Purpose of my Life

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More than a decade had passed since the Titans attacked the God Realm, and the Imperial City is slowly returning to normal. Its worker class are repairing and renewing the city manually, level by level after the appalling destruction caused by Graviton weaponry.

Adara has made no headway with reaching the floating island and she is feeling the frustration. She continues to delay a decision on the God species, dumb infants.

The Titan brain trust, SP1 and the GRAV team, are making headway with researching God species technology and in doing so, they are hoping to provide a means for Adara to reach the island, but so far there has been no success in that area.

All Titans are involved with urgent business of some kind due to the aftermath of war. Any survivor from the losing side always suffers, and in this case, it is the God species subjects who suffered. A compassionate winner will assist those left behind to ease the journey to recovery and that is exactly the mission that Titans have undertaken.

We find Boss sitting alone in his apartment, organising his thoughts. When he is ready, Boss begins recording those thoughts, verbally. As he speaks aloud, his words appear as writing, inside a holographic display and the AI in the simple tablet below, edits and reconstructs his sentences to form concise and meaningful text. When the current block is complete, it spirals downward to appear on his tablet's flat screen.

Boss said quietly to the room: "My name is Barmodous, AKA, Boss..." He hesitates, then says: "I sit here in my study at the end of all the drama, having the benefit of hindsight and having access to the complete Titan, Adonai, Morfin, and God species history, to draw from..."

It is impossible to overlook the uncountable strategies within strategies and conspiracies at play in the history of Evolution for these species that came together, to arrive at this present location, at this precise point in time."

"Each advance in evolution, be it social or technical, is enabled by an incident or plot that provides an environment, laden with adversity. The outcome each, and every time, is advancement in in the form of social growth or the evolution of technology and understanding."

"In truth, I have known about the link between understanding and evolution for a long time Seeing the last historical evidence provided by the God species, turns ancient theory into fact."

Boss said: "When I view the data holistically, I see historic trends and probabilities clearly, and as much as I would like to duck and weave; I can see that key outcomes of many past strategies are converging on me as an individual... From this data, I can see that the time for me to decide my role in the present and the future of history, has arrived. I can avoid it no longer."

"My name is Boss, and I am one of the greatest individual survivors in this cosmos, mainly due to my internal technology, but I met my match on my mission to the Eden colony."

"Probability calculations prove that the likelihood of defeat for one such as I increase over time. With my newfound humility, I perceive that one can bend with the current and survive or stay ridged, and shatter in defeat."

"For me, destruction came at the hands of the amazing Adara. My life was ripped apart, forfeit and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die of shame and embarrassment. I tried, but Adara outsmarted me there as well. She would not allow me to take my own life as all good spy's should after being checkmated by their target."

"Adara stripped me down to the depths of my soul. Every Byte and Octet of my perfect memory was assimilated into the vast Titan data base. My overdeveloped self-esteem was torn from me and shredded, leaving the reality of who I am laid bare for me to see and understand."

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now