The One True God

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The envoy to the One True God left the beautiful pendant gift and returned to its ship, with haste, exactly as it was instructed by the Chief Steward.

Then the envoy travelled the short distance to the closest warship of cosmic attack fleet forty-six and as he entered through its airlock, it felt an itch on its back and absentmindedly scratched as it made its way to the ship's Bridge.

The envoy walked around to observe the state of clean-up as repairs could not begin until the dead were removed. The surviving crew worked hard to drag twitching bodies away for recycling. Other workers operated cleaning equipment to remove the viscus yellow and red fluid from the decks and bulkheads that was evidence of exoskeletal bodies rupturing from shockwaves.

Full lighting was restored, and the envoy began recording its progress but was careful to avoid stepping in the viscous mess as it moved.

The envoy stopped an officer and asked: "Where is the captain?"

The officer pointed at a shattered corpse being dragged down the hallway by an injured crewman and said: "Everyone on the Bridge was killed by the shockwave from the Titan weapons. The Bridge is heavily shielded, but it received the brunt of the shockwave's pressure front because we were facing toward the Titans."

"I guess that leaves me in charge, and as you can see, we're busy here. what do you want, Envoy?"

The envoy replied: "I need a status report for the One True God. I must hand deliver it."

The officer moved to the engineering station, and after several minutes passed, he handed Boss a data crystal. Then it said: "Rather you than me. I've heard it said that many who are summoned to see God, go in, but not all come out the same door... if you know what I mean. Anyway, the damage status will be similar on every ship as there was no time to react before the shockwave struck. Are you intending to visit them all?"

The envoy replied: "I will sample several before I depart this Superverse. How long will it take for repairs?"

The officer said: "A few weeks but we'll be dead in space until then. In that respect, it is lucky this star system is gone. It means no scavengers will turn up. See yourself out, Envoy." The officer bowed slightly to the envoy then turned back to do its work.

Inside the envoys body, the single Nanite absorbed miniscule amounts of elements from the blood and began slowly splitting and splitting again like bacteria in a petri dish. Every time the Envoy scratched and then touched a surface, a few microscopic Nanites remained behind after it moved on.

Once embedded, the Nanites became dormant, remaining hidden from scanners just like any other microscopic particle that could be found in any equipment, in any living or dead body in any location or anywhere that entities or equipment come together.

After returning to its ship, the envoy stopped feeling itchy and forgot about the temporary discomfort as if it had never happened as a fierce hunger gripped it and the only solution was copious amounts of food.

Once the envoy finished the task given by the Chief, it entered the secret coordinates to the God realm into the navigation computer and engaged the ship's hyperlight-drive. The ship disappeared from space as if it had teleportation ability, but unlike the Adonai teleportation systems, The Hyperlight-drive system used on the envoy's ship was millions of years more advanced and it teleported the Envoy's ship directly into Hyperlight.

After several months, the envoy's ship teleported out of hyper-light, directly into the customs clearance zone of the God realm. Instantly, force lines appeared in a box shape that effectively contained the envoy's ship and the envoy waited patiently until scans of its ship and body were completed, but instead of getting an immediate clearance, the Customs officer said: "Envoy, your ship needs a parasitic cleansing. The level of dust particles and inert foreign bodies exceeds the accepted tolerance. I will have to impound your vessel and see to its cleaning before I allow you to proceed."

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