The Winner Takes It All

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Adara floated just centimetres above the soft covers of the bed she shares with her life partner, Steve Pritchard. She is completely oblivious to events happening just outside her door as Steve flat-out refused access for visitors, as per her request.

Steve held up two hands and said: "I told you that Adara is in communion with the Nanite consciousness. How many times must I repeat that?"

Matt, Sharon, Calemon and Boss represented the Greater council and they needed Adara's attention desperately and immediately. Outside Titus were nine candidate Alliances needing to surrender with less than one hour until the twenty-four-hour deadline set by Adara was reached.

Inside Adara's mind, she had become part of the Quantum realm, and it is here that she speaks with none other, than her creator.

God said: "That was spectacular. I read it in Boss's Memoirs, but seeing you wield such power with my own eyes was frankly, frightening."

Adara said: "I did what you wanted, and you are now officially dead to the Greater Cosmos and the evidence to suggest otherwise is tucked away forever inside the black hole that I will soon find a use for. Now I will be labelled forever more as a God killer. I can think of better tags to have after my name."

God said: "Incorrect. You will now assume the mantle of God. I am passing the baton to you, as it was passed to me and the Greater Cosmic God before him and so on. It is all inside the great library."

Adara said: "I will try to renew the worn-out Black Hole Power Supply but I'm worried that fifteen thousand years may not be enough time for renewal."

God said: "It pains me to say this, but already... two of the ten wormholes are in the process of collapse. I am leaving on my original island, and you destroyed the other. The moment these two islands were removed, the regulating control for those tubes was removed."

"Both tubes are becoming part of the black hole's core as we speak. They are gone and the all-important balance they provided for the remaining tubes is also gone."

"It burns my soul to tell you that Cosmos, Five and Seven are already gravitating toward the impossible attraction of the Greater Cosmic Black Hole Power Supply. This existence is finished, and you must leave this place with your survivors and get clear of the coming destruction."

God presented a set of coordinates for Adara to add to her perfect memory and said: "Set course for this place. It is outside the Greater Cosmos and immune to the Gravitic storms that are beginning. Wait out the storm in the great void beyond. There is nothing you can do for those who remain. Their time in this existence is over."

Adara asked: "But how do I start it all again?"

God replied: "The place you must go, is what I call a pocket universe. It was created for the temporary safety of those you protect and will give them a place to live while you design a new, Greater Cosmos and power supply with your advanced Graviton tech."

Adara said: "I'm at a loss, God. Where do I start?"

God replied: "At the beginning, Adara. Turn the mountain into a mole hill. Do what is needed, one small piece at a time. All you need to know to make a start is in the library at your destination and it will open for no other. I must go now, Adara, lead your followers to safety."

Adara said: "I'm... afraid."

God said: "We Gods have all been where you are today and one day... perhaps, you will come to join me and my predecessors in the vastness beyond the Greater Cosmos."

"It is time for me to go but I will leave you with the same words that were left to me by the one whom I replaced... The challenge for you, Adara Eden... Is to do it better than me."

Adara asked: "God what is it all for?"

God answered: "For now, just accept that it is the way of things, Adara. The answers you seek are yours for the taking. When you arrive at the pocket Universe, visit the library."

Adara felt the Presence of God leave her mind and she opened her eyes and floated toward the door. Her feet touched the floor gently and when she opened it, the silence of her bedroom was torn apart by the heated, verbal exchange. Her living room was full of her best friends and all of them were talking at once.

She focussed on the 'V' shape back of a very harassed Steve who guarded her door and she thought: "As if any of those present had the ability to open it without my permission anyway."

She smiled at Steve's adorable protective nature,and she ordered: "Cease this noise and stop troubling my beloved. I am here nowand there is a lot to do. We will not finish what must do if we don't make a start.So, let's get on with it."

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang