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Adara arrived on Eden's flight Bridge after her visit to Morfineater and as she exited the airlock, she was intercepted by Boss.

Adara held up a hand to stop him and finished her order to Steve Pritchard's ship, saying: "I don't care if he said, not yet. Pluck my testosterone fuelled partner off the side of whatever cliff he is on, by force if necessary, and get him home. Now!"

Adara turned her attention to a smiling Boss, and he said: "It sounds like Steve is enjoying his alone time."

Then with no delay, Boss asked: "Is anything interesting happening with the Morfin?"

Adara explained briefly what happened and added: "Due to the critical nature of the trouble in Universe Five. I have recalled all our assets, and so have the Morfin. SP1 is about to head out there to investigate after dropping off the Grav team and will arrive there in about four weeks."

The Boss asked: "Does that mean SP1 will teleport back here before it goes out to investigate?"

Adara nodded and Boss offered: "I think it would be best if I service the teleporter before SP1 leaves. That way it can jump back here if the situation is too much to handle alone. I can rush the job and have it done in one week."

Adara said: "No, there is no time for delay. All our ships should be back by tonight and the slowest Morfin ships will arrive here in about three months. Every second we delay is less time to figure out what we face and figure out how to deal with it."

"We must know what is happening out there. SP1 will drop out of hyperlight at the furthest edge of the galaxy closest to the outer void of Universe Five. I think that is the best place to find a lurking enemy armada, but until then, life must continue at Infinity Hub."

Boss said: "If there is an advanced species out there, they will surely detect SP1's Graviton wave as the ship decelerates from Hyperlight. It will be very risky. Can't you send one 3+AI scout ship, instead?"

Adara looked at Boss oddly, then said: "Preventing SP1 from going out there after I asked it, personally, would be the worst possible insult I could give. Anyway, SP1 is operating the most powerful warship in service. It will be safe, as nothing can penetrate those shields or defend against its weapons. You know this to be true as there are no known weaknesses in our defences.

Boss said: "That may be true, but just because we can't see a weakness, does not mean an enemy can't see one."

Adara replied: "I am happy that you care enough to fear for us, but honestly, we have it covered."

Boss said: "That is exactly the type of attitude that will get humans killed."

Adara looked keenly at Boss and said: "If you know something I don't, after all this time, tell me now. Become one of us, Boss, so that we can pool our knowledge and defeat this knew threat together."

"There is an old Earth saying that goes, 'One volunteer is worth ten pressed men.' It goes without saying that if you joined us willingly, your value would be without measure."

Boss thought it was time to direct Adara's thoughts away from the possibility that he was anything other than her trustworthy servant, by focussing her mind on his most valued possession.

He said: "No means no, Adara. The teleportation device inside my body is the only one of its kind in the known cosmos. It can teleport a single entity, unilaterally, and through any known substance. I will never part with it or allow another to copy it even if doing so were possible.

I will lose the one advantage I hold over everyone else."

Adara asked: "Surely you can see the advantage to everyone on Eden if I can disassemble and analyse it, then build many more. Why would it matter to you? If you become an Eden citizen? You will be protected by us."

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now