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To help myself remember the status quo of the Multiverse from the outset of this final edition of Re-Forge biography, I have thrown together this brief update that summarises evolution and what is needed by any species wanting to survive in the Greater Cosmos...

One of the forum groups I belong to have agreed that there must be a God, or at least, an initial creator, considering that the Big Bang theory in now an immutable fact of life.

Evolution is one of the tools, or perhaps, the main tool that God employs to ensure that all life shares equal opportunity to reach the highest level of evolution possible by the end of each 'Big Bang' cycle.

In simple terms. Chaos in the form of adversity, is needed to make a species stronger, on the one hand, and weed out weaker species on the other. All this happens along the journey to the next Big Bang in the never-ending cycle. It is the way of things across the vastness of the Greater Cosmos.

At some point of evolution for any species, brawn and brain find equal footing and it is no longer enough to be, just the strongest species in your corner of the cosmos.

A species must be 'ever ready' to defend against power and intelligence from unexpected newcomers to become all that they can. If they fall short in any way, the chances increase that they will perish under the heel of another species who are more successful.

A successful species must cast off the shackles binding it to planets as only those who are mobile in the space have a fighting chance to survive the countless rivals contending for the alpha position in any known space. They will clammer and fight for supremacy, and the simple rule is... The survivor takes it all.

In addition to competition from other species, natural hazards presented by the physical universe create hidden barriers and traps that will drag the unwary species, forcing them to an early extinction.

Raw power, intelligence, and luck, equate to a higher probability of survival over the longer term. Along the journey toward some unknowable goal, the smarter, more experienced, and technically advanced species will realise that no matter how powerful they become, there are beings capable of bringing them down and absolutely nothing is perfect.

Suns grow old and die, then become Black Holes, but in their natural state, a Black Hole is closest to the ideal definition of eternal.

It is believed that one day there will be a species who evolve the technology needed to control the ultimate power in all existence. Humankind are the species who have learnt how to harness and master Black Hole technology.

Harnessing energy from a Black Hole Power Supply, means your source of power is eternal, and if its power output can be readily adjusted; then, available power is only limited by the size of the Infinity Battery. Suddenly, miraculous technological feats become the everyday norm and their scope is only limited by imagination.

As a result of harnessing Black Hole technology, humankind have become an intolerable threat to those species enjoying higher levels of power and status in both, known, and unknown space. An ever-growing list of powerful species compete for cosmic dominance and all of them covet the astounding secrets of hard won, human technology.

Maintaining the greatest secret in the cosmos requires commitment, and humankind take commitment to new heights. Many controls are in place to protect human technology, but as a last resort, a controlling AI will self-destruct in a miniature cataclysmic Big Bang event, rather than permit hard-earned secrets to be stolen by aliens. Those aliens who decide that the reward offered by securing human technology is worth the challenge, do so at the risk of extinction.

Evolution, suffering, competing against rivals, and achieving greatness for its own sake seems pointless, unless doing so serves a greater purpose. Every species strives against adversity without knowing the end goal, so they correctly reason that survival is a self-fulfilling goal. Every species will evolve and fight to survive against stronger predators.

With the acquisition of supreme power and knowledge, the focus of life's major questions become... 'Why evolve? And what is the goal?'

The answer is... 

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