Coordinates ... S1-M1-U1-S1

1 0 0

Coordinates... Superverse one - Multiverse one – Universe one – System one, is the location of the Adonai's 'agreed' Home System. It is currently into its second Re-Creation cycle since the Adonai began recording their history. This length of time is indicative of the level of Adonai technological superiority and mindset.

In some ways, the Adonai are much less flexible than the extinct reptile species that called themselves the Family. Adonai longevity underpins their unflinching belief that they maintain their position by the will of God and nothing or no one can oppose their will, regardless of their desire.

The Adonai flagship broke through the Hyperlight barrier into normal space near its home system and commenced maximum deceleration.

Boss spent most of his time during the lengthy journey with Seff as he had no desire to suffer the presence of the acting commander. Boss did not kill the acting commander outright as Boss knew that the serving Fleet Commander would receive that death sentence when evidence of his failure became known. Losing in such humiliating and expensive circumstances has never been seen.

The opportunistic power grab that removed Seff from the command position and responsibility for the campaign amounted to mutiny, because the act did not return a victory for the Adonai.

As they drew near to their stopping point so they could Teleport the final distance to the Imperial Colony Ship Boss asked: "Is there some place on board where we can talk privately?"

Seff replied: "Of course. That is where we are now. I have met you here each time we spoke because I am ostracised much like you, and I don't want anyone to hear what I say in case we broach taboo topics. Is now that time, Boss?"

Boss replied: "Yes."

Seff said: "Then speak freely. I am not a military commander any longer, at least until the imperium reinstates me. The worst was over for me when that idiot on the flight Bridge enticed me away from responsibility for this debacle by assuming control."

"Seff asked: "Can you tell me what happened after you went back to Eden?"

Boss said: "I was simply outsmarted, and my greed was used as the weapon to trap me. It really is, that simple."

Seff said: "But what about your teleporter?"

Boss answered: "Let's just say that it could have been removed, just like your cerebral cortex protection, but let's move on... After my capture, I suffered a traumatic period of self-analysis, Then I came to the realisation that my lot in life has changed for the better, and the positives for me, far outweigh the negatives. Before you even attempt to ask, I am not able to share my knowledge even if I wanted to. It is the Titan way."

Seff said: "I have no obligation to escalate anything of value you tell me... Even if you want to talk about sedition or treason. After my treatment at the hands of my XO, I am currently open to any proposal."

Boss took that statement with a paranoid grain of salt. As he was never 'friends' with Seff and could never trust him to be honest. In fact, Seff was renowned for his strategic planning.

Instead of initiating a dangerous game of espionage, Boss countered with the truth, saying: "Seff, sedition is not my goal."

With surprise, Seff asked: "Then, what is your goal?"

Boss answered: "I am not here to use my power to dethrone the emperor. That is not what Titans want. I am here to save a few of our species from genocide. That is all I hope to achieve."

Seff blanched visibly and with a shaky voice, said: "Save the few? Oh God, how many is a few?"

Boss answered: "Enough people to crew ten battle cruisers and their immediate families. This is all I think I can save. Titan policy dictates that those who attack humankind, are destroyed."

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