My Girlfriend's Family

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Blake and Fang arrived on the Bridge and Adara could see that both were consumed with worry and apprehension at being caught. Being discovered severely affected both.

Adara chose to ignore that for now and said: "I am bringing your graduation ceremony forward to this moment."

Blake and Fang looked at each other with surprise and a little relief, then their attention moved back to Adara.

Matt, Sharon, Joshua, Susan, Steve, Hymie Storm and Calemon entered from the Administrator's Apartment, closely followed by the GRAV Team and several SPs.

Adara said: "SP1 could not make it as it is on an important factfinding mission. Some terrible things have happened in Universe Five." Adara hesitated before delivering the news she knew would devastate Fang,

Then Adara placed her hands on her hips in a determined stance and said: "An unknown enemy has attacked the Morfin patrols and destroyed more than a million, Morfin battleships and seventy Motherships... There were no survivors. It was a coordinated attack that suggests the possibility of insider knowledge."

Adara nodded with an assertive expression at Fang as she saw the reality of those numbers hit home.

Then Adara said: "This new enemy knew how to take down whole fleets in a single coordinated attack that was universe wide. It was over in minutes. The attack was so fast, that only one warning drone was able to launch and arrive at Morfineater."

Unconsciously, Fang gripped Blakes forearm for support and Fangs eyestalks fully retracted as an external indication of her internal turmoil.

After a few seconds, Fang's eye stalks slowly extended as she reigned in her emotions with concerted effort. Then she said: "That must be the entire occupying fleet in universe five. I know that the number Morfin fleets is approximately the same in all ten universes... How is something like this even remotely possible? Who could destroy over a million ships, that are spread across a universe at the same instant?"

Adara replied: "We will know for sure after SP1 arrives out there in just under four weeks. Now stand to attention in front of me. I am so sorry for the rush, but this terrible news has changed everything..."

The couple complied and Adara said: "We were at a loss to choose which of you should lead. Blake is academically superior, but you, Fang, are also smart and probably the best fighter we have ever seen, and I include Joshua Davis in that judgement. His assessment of you was exemplary. I want the both of you to choose which of you will lead. There must be just one leader for this battle group, but I need you to decide now.

Blake pointed at Fang, but Fang took a step back and said: "The person who must take command is Cadet Blake. He is superior to me in this area, whereas I am the better administrator. My decision is backed by Morfin genetics."

Adara pursed her lips and nodded with full understanding of Morfin's royal political structure, then said: "I expected as much and agree with your assessment."

As Fang bowed, Adara was handed a certificate and a small velvet box. She said: "Blake Eden; will you accept leadership and accountability for Battle Group One? This is the newly commissioned 'strike group' and it is the reason you and your team have been training for the last ten years."

Blake bowed and replied: "I will accept the responsibility, Queen Adara."

Adara stepped forward and placed the four gold bars on each of his shoulder interfaces and then a smaller one with four gold pips on the right side of his chest.

Adara said: "Captain Blake Eden, these rank insignia are made of solid gold. They are heavy so the weight reminds you of the responsibility you have to your team and to humankind."

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now