Wake the Sleepers

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Two hours to the second after leaving Adara alone with Blake and Fang, Titus entered the reception lounge and began checking over the suspension pods. He was joined by Adara, Blake and Fang.

The far door opened, and Boss came in looking like the perfect self-assured immortal who is millions of years old. His age-wise eyes focussed on Adara's, and he gave one nod.

Adara smiled and asked: "Titus, will you bring them back to us, please?"

Then she turned to Blake and Fang and said: "You have not met 'B' Sharp. Ah, it is coming now."

'B' Sharp entered the reception area hovering on its custom-built avatar. Adara said: "Please be welcome 'B' Sharp. I know you are as excited as me."

'B' Sharp answered verbally through its avatar: "Twenty thousand years is a blink of the eye for one such as I, but in this case, it has been far too long, Adara. So much water has passed under the bridge."

"Speaking of which, I have organised the relevant historic memories and set them to the timeline. They are ready to be installed into the NINE and the GRAV Team as they transition from suspension, through sleep, and into consciousness.

Adara saw the look of amazement on Blake and Fang's faces and said: "Oh, Sorry, I forget that people might be shocked seeing 'B' Sharp for the first time. Both 'B' Sharp and I are linked permanently with a psychic and physical connection."

'B' Sharp volunteered: "We are twins."

Adara smiled as she recounted the events that bought 'B' Sharp to humans and said: "So we really are twins. We just look different. Over the years, I have given 'B' Sharp mobility. It communicates with the avatar it is mounted on, by projecting frequencies of light. The AI in the avatar translates those signals into movement and verbal and visual communication.

Astounded, Blake exclaimed: "A crystal entity that has remained still for billions of years, suddenly takes flight, sees, and talks. How is that simple?"

Adara said: "I meant that the application of science, already available, was simple. Obviously, an entity that sees the world from a stationary viewpoint will not adapt readily to movement. That is why the avatar does all of that for 'B' Sharp."

Fang studied 'B' Sharp closely, then tried to touch it, but her hands gently glided to the side. She said: "Graviton defences."

Adara said: "And attack capability. 'B' Sharp must be protected as it is the last of its species and critical for humankind. It has laser, Graviton manipulation and a powerful Graviton Ram. All of it is powered by an Infinity Battery. It is no longer transient; it is now eternal and a voluntary citizen of Humankind."

Fang said: "Humankind. Not humans. We are the human family. That is what you mean when you say, 'Humankind.' The Terran language is immensely adaptable."

Adara raised a hand to silence any more talk and said: "They are waking."

Storm woke first and the first thing from her lips was: "Twenty thousand years?"

Then she looked to Boss and said: "I'm pleased you accepted your situation, Boss?"

Boss nodded and said: "I am adaptable, if nothing else, Storm."

Storm said: "Nothing else? We are honoured to have you on our side. An entity with your experience and perseverance is no small thing. Welcome to the NINE... I guess this means we are now, the TEN."

Adara nodded and unnecessarily helped Storm from her suspension pod then asked: "How do you feel, mother?"

Storm answered: "Rested and ready to go, but my poor Eden. Is there really no way to save her?"

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now