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From outside Fang's bedroom door, Blake said: "Come on, it's time to go. It would be good if we get to the beach before the transport arrives, we are the commanders of Battle Group One, after all."

Fang replied: "This spacesuit is a pain in my backside, literally. What the hell are they made of anyway? And I'm having trouble fitting my tail all the way in... Ah... finally. I'm okay, It's in, I'm fine now."

Blake said: "I'm happy to come in and help with the rest?"

Fang replied: "Don't you dare! I'm Just expressing frustration at my tail. Oh God, maybe I'm gaining weight."

Blake rolled his eyes and said: "Were supposed to be life partners and you are embarrassed for me to see you as God made you? When are we going to drop this craziness?"

Fang said: "It's not craziness, and I'll drop it when we become the same species. If that never happens, I will never feel comfortable for you to see me as God made me. Seeing my Morfin anatomy will be unsettling for you. I find our physical differences embarrassing.

Blake said: "I don't care for any of that. You can look at me all you want."

Fang said: "Seeing you makes me laugh."

Very quietly, Blake said: "Now that is embarrassing."

Fang said: "I can still hear you through the door, sorry about that. That's not what I meant."

Blake said: "I know... but it's still time to change the subject. We're supposed to be getting new spacesuits soon, anyway. It might even be today. Adara said that your new one will be perfect for you. At least, that's what I heard in yesterday's meeting. Had you been there, or checked your inbox since, you would also know."

Fang opened the door and hugged Blake from behind and said: "Just remember that I can thrash you in a fight with one hand tied behind my back. If you get too cheeky, you'll be in big trouble."

On each life level, Eden's inner hull is constructed to replicate an impassable mountain range and the seventh life level was exceptionally beautiful. The mountain range is more than six thousand kilometres from a starting point, all the way around the perimeter and back to the same starting point with peaks that disappear, kilometres into the hazy sky.

Blake chose to live in a modest apartment in a small village setting that was just two kilometres inland from the mountains as he and Fang loved spending their break periods climbing and camping on those same mountains. So far, over the three years of their unofficial relationship, they had never been able to climb to the top as the mountain peaks were lost in the clouds above.

One can begin to grasp the true size of Eden's living space, when her volume is partitioned into measurable zones or compartments.

Heading for their rendezvous on the beach, Blake and Fang entered the quiet tube station as their pre-booked travel pod came to a stop directly in front of them. Its door slid sideways, and they entered. They both carried a backpack with their most treasured items as ordered, and they sat facing each other in one of ten double seats.

The Pod's AI said: "Your destination is Jupiter Beach on level sixty. Please confirm."

Blake said: "That's correct, proceed." Then the door slid silently closed, and the tube pod shot off like a projectile along a cannon barrel.

3am on Jupiter Beach was dark and the simulated night sky was moonless. The night was silent except for the waves crashing against the shoreline at low tide. Seeing their captain and XO arrive, the battle group clustered quietly around them.

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now