The Commander said: "How long since the human ship dropped out of hyperspace?"

The XO's facial expression and the slant of his golden-yellow eyes betrayed his amazement as he replied: "About fifteen human minutes, Sir. It will reach the debris field in fifty minutes... basically, it is taking one human hour for it to decelerate from light speed to stationary."

The disbelieving Seff asked: "What? How long?"

The XO repeated his last statement then added: "Fleet, it seems we are about to attack a species that is marginally more advanced than the Adonai?"

Seff replied: "I'm on my way."

Minutes later, Seff assessed the situation for himself and said: "This information is new, since our agent's last report. How is it possible to generate such thrust? This is unheard of in my knowledge of history."

The XO said: "There is no recorded precedence of such power in our records, Sir. I checked"

Seff said: "It makes me question the validity of the order to attack Multiverse Ten."

The XO said: "If we don't, the emperor will send someone else, and that will include severe consequences for us."

Seff said: "I know it too well, and if we don't get this invasion right the first time, then I fear our species is in big trouble."

The XO said: "I have full confidence in our weapons technology. I advise that we proceed as planned. Observing this changes nothing."

Seff said: "Caution XO. If I have learnt anything over the span of my career, it is that thoughts of ones, superiority, often lead to that person's undoing. However, we must comply with the imperial directive. To return without testing the power of our opponent will see our heads removed from our necks. Proceed with the plan."

SP1 watched the external display, from his central position on the bridge. SP1 turned its head, and the ship's external view tracked to look in the same direction. The view was crystal clear and showed SP1 a devastating catastrophe.

SP1 ordered: "Ship, send a live feed to Eden."

SP1 viewed the devastation from up close and too personal as the holovid showed countless dead Morfin bodies drifting among the wrecked remains of a hundred thousand Morfin warships and several colony ships. Then SP1 zoomed in on several munitions magazines that had survived the attack and noted they were full.

SP1 discussed the situation with Adara, saying: "I believe the Morfin were caught totally by surprise. Their shields were overpowered in seconds. I know this because their munition's magazine, are full. I don't think they fired a single shot."

Adara said: "In hindsight, what you have discovered is not surprising. It doesn't matter what level of technology or abilities our invaders have. They could not coordinate this attack across an entire universe with such timing or precision, without insider knowledge at the highest level."

"I want you to come home now. Staying there serves no further purpose."

SP1 said: "Copy that. I sent the complete data package to Eden on this ship's performance as I decelerated in case my presence stirs up a hornet's nest and this ship is destroyed. I'm preparing for my return."

Adara continued watching the live feed from SP1's ship as it prepared to jump back to Eden, then she heard the SP1's ship alarm claxon sound and asked: "What's happening, SP1?"

SP1 looked outside and said: "It's too late, I am surrounded by thousands of enemy ships of a design I have not seen before, Adara."

The XO on the Adonai flagship said: "Fleet, the human Graviton ship is now stationary at the edge of the Morfin debris field. We must attack before they discover any useful data about our method of attack."

Memoirs of an Interstellar Spy - Book 5 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now