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"Okay Adonis, daddy's bouta' come home." Drew flipped her hair over as she looked at herself in the mirror.

She was wearing a red long sleeve shirt along with black leggings. There was a white apron tied around her that read Prego along with a tomato. Adonis was dressed up as spaghetti.

She did ended up getting pregnant once again and didn't tell Nino yet so she figured today would be the perfect day especially since she came up with a creative costume.

After hearing the door unlocked, Drew leaned down and picked Adonis up from the floor. The little boy was now nine months and he was now looking like a splitting image of both Nino and Drew.

"Nobody got hit, spin the block again. I done been too solid, sum' got to give." Nino rapped Lil Baby as he made his way up the stairs to him and Drew's shared bedroom.

"Surprise shawty!" Drew did jazz hands with her free hand while Adonis tried to imitate her. They spent about two hours practicing.

"You got my son lookin' like a cluster of worms." Nino chuckled before heading over to Drew and taking Adonis out of her arms, "Wassup baby." He kissed her lips.

"Look at my costume." She stepped back and motioned it.

"I see it. Your—" He furrowed his eyebrows after reading the apron, "Drew don't play like that. Be fo' real."

"I am fo' real." She mocked, "Baby number two is on the way." Drew blushed while jumping up and down.

"Oh my God, baby you'on even know how fuckin' happy I am." Nino gassed feeling his heart flutter, "I swea' I love the fuck outta' you."

"I love you too, Amari." She smiled.

"Luh Da." Adonis managed to get out which made Drew instantly frown.

Adonis had been babbling for a while. Since this was Nino and Drew's first child, they weren't aware when kids could say their first word but it could range as early as 6 months to as late as 18 months.

"And my son just said he love me." He kissed Adonis cheek.

"Why would his first actual words be that?" Drew poured a bit, "Doni say ma."

"Da." Adonis repeated which made Nino nod his head.

Although Drew knew it was harder for babies to pronounce the M in mama, she was still very hurt. Whenever they watched Ms. Rachel together, she would mute the woman saying da da. Drew believed it was negative energy.

"Our child gifted. That's what happens when you talk to him how DDG be talkin' to Halo." Nino pointed at Drew while nodding his head before heading out of the room.

"Um, where you goin' with my son?" Drew scrunched up her face as she followed, "Doni say ma."

"Da!" Adonis screamed while clapping his hands.

"Watch when your bro-sis comes. That's gon be my new fav—"

"Ain't no bro-sis. That's my daughta' in there I already been thinkin' 'bout names since you chose Adonis' name." Nino sassed as they both headed into the kitchen.

He was confident that their next child was going to be a babygirl but he definitely was going to get insight from his mother. Lori was right about the gender of the first born so it wouldn't hurt to know what she thinks about the second born.

"And what name is that?" Drew crossed her arms.

"Demi." Nino smiled.

"Like Demi Lovato?" Drew chuckled a bit.

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