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"Ooh I'm so glad you invited me to come with y'all, daughta'." Lori smiled as her, Charice, and Nino were in a room at the clinic. Charice had just been seen by the doctor and she was getting her pee tested.

"Don't call her that." Nino licked over his lips and leaned back as he kept eye contact with his phone. He was currently blowing Drew's phone up and she wasn't responding at all.

"Shut up, Amari. You're bein' rude." Lori snapped her head into his direction as she leaned against the wall.

Ever since he found out Drew was pregnant on Saturday, he was giving Charice the cold shoulder. He honestly didn't think that she was pregnant.

"It's okay, Ms. Lori. He hasn't been feelin' good the past couple of days. I guess them pregnancy symptoms gettin' to him." Charice teased making Nino suck his teeth.

After ten more minutes of Charice and Lori chatting while Nino was getting ignored by Drew, the doctor knocked on the door before entering.

"Alright, I've got your results back Ms. Charice." Doctor Bradley smiled over everyone, "The results were negative."

Charice's eyes instantly went wide while Lori's jaw dropped. Nino chuckled to himself lowly before sliding his phone into his pocket and standing up.

"That can't be right, y'all gon' have to test it again." Lori demanded as she put her hands on her hips.

"Ma'am, I'm confident in our lab specialist and our equipment. Ms. Charice is not pregnant and I apologize to be the bearer of bad news." Doctor Bradley frowned a bit looking over at Charice who was still in shock.

"It ain't bad news, Doc. We 'preciate chu'." Nino put his hand out eagerly as Doctor Bradley shook it.

"Amari, shut the hell up!" Lori mugged her son.

"What 'bout my late period and the bloating?" Charice hopped off of the bed and frowned.

"Could be under a lot of stress." Doctor Bradley shrugged, "It should come soon. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day." He made his way out of the room with Nino right behind him.

"Amari!" Lori yelled out following her son with Charice right behind her. Nino swiftly headed out of the building and to his vehicle, "Amari Nathaniel Banks, I know you hea' me callin' you!"

"Yeah ma?" He groaned turning around and looking over his mother and Charice.

"I've still been havin' them dreams. Please don't tell me you got that lil' bitch pregnant." Lori tucked her lips in with a worried expression across her face.

"You not 'posed to refer to women as bitches, Ma." He mocked with a smirk before hopping into the drivers seat of his car.

Pulling off, he headed towards Drew's school. It was 11:45 and he was sure he could make it by 12, the time she got out.

As for Lori and Charice, Lori drove her own car to the clinic. Charice originally rode with Nino but she had no choice but to ride with Lori since he left her.

Fifteen minutes passed, and Nino was pulling up at the high school at 12 on the dot. He rolled down his passenger window seeing Drew walking down the steps with her airpods in her ears.

Looking up, she groaned at the infamous Porsche truck and decided to keep walking as if she didn't see it. She didn't feel like dealing with him.

"She got me fucked up." Nino sucked his teeth and spoke under his breath.

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