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"I like to drink with Drew because Drew is my mate. I like to drink with Drew because she gets it down in eight." The waitress, Keola at Les Délices beamed as Drew put her mouth on both of the straws in front of her while Nino recorded her.

"Oh you must wanna be tore up." Nino laughed as Drew sucked down both of drinks by the time the waitress got to six.

"Happy Birthday, Drew." She took the empty glasses and headed away from the table.

The couple was currently on vacation in Bora Bora for Drew's birthday. They had been there since Thursday and weren't leaving until Tuesday.

"I gotta brain freeze." Drew laughed a bit as she watched Nino replay the video on his phone, "You don't even have social media so why you record?"

"'Cause I wanna be able to look back at yo 19th birthday. Ion' need social media." He chuckled a bit while turning off his phone.

Nino swore social media was just used to track people. He was also never the type to record himself or take pictures. If you didn't catch him in person, you weren't going to catch him at all.

"Whatever. You gon' take a shot with me?" Drew pouted a bit.

They had both finished their meals and Drew's plan was to drink damn near all day. She was stress free and didn't have anything to worry about until she got back to the states.

"Yeah but only 'cause it's yo birthday. What you want, mama?" He leaned back in his seat and looked over her, taking in her appearance.

She had a minor tan since they were spending time in the sun. At the moment, she was wearing a beige bandeau bikini top with a key hole in the middle. On the bottom were her bikini bottoms covered by a maxi pale blue coverup skirt with a large slit.

Drew was wearing a gold belly chain along with other minor pieces of jewelry and her hair was styled in a middle part with her natural wavy hair. To Nino, she naturally looked like she belonged on the islands.

Since they've been there, they went whale watching which was one of Drew's favorite activities since her favorite animal is a whale, a private lagoon experience where they swam with sting rays, and snorkeling.

After brunch, they were supposed to get on the jet skis and party on a yacht.

"Patron." Drew smiled while pushing some hair behind her ear.

Nino nodded his head slowly and waved over their waitress. He asked for two patron shots and she headed off to retrieve them. Seconds later, she approached their table with two double shots of patron and lime.

"Here you are." Keola smiled as she placed a shot in front of Drew and then Nino, "Enjoy." She then switched off to help the next table.

"I can't believe you're about to drink with me. You know how you are. A damn weed connoisseur." She rolled her eyes as she picked up the shot and took off the lime so she could use it as a chaser.

"Whateva', slim." Nino chuckled at her behavior as he picked up his shot, "Happy birthday, baby. I love you and as long as we togetha', we gon' go somewhere new every year fo' yo birthday."

His choice of words instantly made Drew blush as they both threw back their shots. While Nino took his like a soldier, Drew chased hers with the lime.

Keola soon came over with the bill and of course Nino paid for the entire brunch. The two then headed out of the restaurant and walked towards the beach. It was close so they didn't have to walk far.

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