~Incorrect Quotes pt. 2~

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(A/n: These are fun to make lol. But since no one was requesting, I'm closing the requests here, so I'll move on to Blue Lock Specials.)

Ran: *Gently taps table*

Rindou: *Taps back*

Shion, whispering: What are they doing?

Kakucho: Morse code.

Ran, smirks: *Aggressively taps table*

Rindou: *Slams hands down* You take that back you little—


Baji: The floor is lava!

Mikey: *Helps (Y/n) onto the counter*

Nahoya: *Kicks Takemichi off the couch*

Draken: *lays on the floor*

Chifuyu: ...Are you okay?

Draken: No.


Takemichi: What's your biggest weakness?

Mikey: I can be uncooperative.

Takemichi: Okay, can you give me an example?

Mikey: No.


Ran: So...are we fighting or are we flirting?

(Y/n): *Blinks with dotted eyes* I threaten...

Ran: Your point being?


Cop: You're receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle.

Mikey: Shit.

Draken: Wait, three?

Cop: Yeah?

(Y/n): Wait...

Draken: *Looks behind him*

Draken: Oh my god Takemitchy fell off!


(Y/n): *Helping an elderly person*

Mikey with hearts around him: *Looks at Emma* Did you see that?! That's my girlfriend!

(Y/n): Spouse, Manji.

Mikey, sparkling: My spouse! Even better!


Takemichi, sighing: Inupi—

Inui, sadly: Koko used to call me Inupi.

Chifuyu: Because it's your fucking nickname.


Takemichi: What did you guys get in your yearbook?

(Y/n): "Prettiest smile."

Chifuyu: "Nice personality."

Baji: "Most likely to start a bar fight."

Draken: "Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one."


Izana: What does "Take out" mean?

Rindou: Food.

Ran: Dating.

Shion: Murder.

Mocchi: It can be all three if you're not a coward.


Takemichi: If Mikey-kun and (Y/n)-chan were drowning, who would you save?

Draken: They can't swim?

Takemichi: It's a hypothetical question, Draken-kun! Who would you save?

Draken: (Y/n)-chan.


Mikey: Fair.


Mikey: Bye (N/n)-chin! Bye Ken-chin! Bye Takemitchy! Bye (N/n)-chin!

Draken: You said "Bye (N/n)-chin" twice.

Mikey: I like (N/n)-chin.

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