~Special 10~

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Requested by: Kathleen1711hi

Plot: Chifuyu and Baji taking Kamado-chan to the pet store because Takemichi and Hinata were busy.

-3rd POV-

Takemichi had asked Hinata if she wasn't busy, so she could take care of (Y/n), but unfortunately she had chores to do for her mother. The male could only sigh a bit, before his face brightened, and called the next person he knew the demon girl liked and protected.

He grabbed his phone and grinned once the other line picked up, "Hello? Chifuyu?"

"Takemitchy? Something wrong?"

"Is it all right for you to watch (Y/n)-chan? Hina and I are busy, and I don't want her to be bored this whole day, or getting lost if she does go out."

Takemichi couldn't see, but Chifuyu's whole face was blushing slightly.


"Y-Yes! Uhm...yeah, I can watch her." He said.

The blond smiled, "Great! I'll send you her address, so you can go and get her. She should be up soon." He said as he looked at the time, which was almost noon.

"All right. Bye." He said, hanging up.

The male sent the address of the girl's home, then went on about his day, getting ready to do his chores.


Chifuyu kept staring at his phone, before snapping out his trance and calling Baji, who answered, "Baji-san! I got the opportunity to watch over (Y/n)-chan!" He exclaimed.

The male on the other side of the phone, eyes widen, "Eh?! You get to watch over my wife?! Nope! I'm going with you!" He said, then hung up.

After a few minutes, a knock was heard at the blond's door, making him open it and see his friend at the door.

"I came here as fast as I could!" He said.

Chifuyu chuckled, "All right. Come on. We have to go get her." He said, walking out the door.

"Can't wait to see my wife again!"


The doorbell was heard throughout the Sato household, making (F/n) look up from his work, that he brought home.

The father got up and went to the door, opened it and was confused seeing Chifuyu and Baji at the door, "May I help you?"

The blond male bowed, "Matsuno Chifuyu, sir! I was asked by Takemitchy to look over (Y/n)-chan!" He said.

Baji smiled at the male and bowed, "Baji Keisuke." He said.

The older male stared at them, before letting out a chuckle, "I'm guessing your friends with my little (N/n). I'll go get her." He said, before his whole aura turned cold, "But if I see a single scratch on my baby, one of you won't see the light of day." Then he walked in, and went to get (Y/n).

The two teens were tense, since they heard from Takemichi how her parents were. Her father being protective of his wife and daughter but very bubbly with them. The mother strict when she has to be, but is very sweet and nice with her daughter and to her friends. Now they were wishing they met her mother instead.

They soon heard footsteps, making them snap out their thoughts and look, seeing (Y/n) running up to them.

"Hmm!" She hummed happily.

(F/n) smiled at the girl, "I hope you have fun my little (N/n)!" Then he pouted, "Papa is going to be lonely since Mama went out to work." He cried.

The girl stared at him with dotted eyes and pat his head, "Hmm."

He then attached himself to her, "(N/n)! Please don't leave Papa!"

Baji and Chifuyu sweatdropped, 'Now we see what Takemitchy/Takemichi meant...' They thought.

The muzzled girl pinched his neck which made him go limp, and dragged her father to lay him on the couch. Then she came back, smiling at the two males.

The blond smiled, and grabbed her hand, "Let's go, (Y/n)-chan! I know the perfect place to hang out!" He said.

The black haired male grabbed the girl's other hand.


"Hmm..." The girl hummed, as she watched the fishes swimming around.

The place that the male suggested was the pet store. He wanted her to see all the animals they had, since he knew how much she likes animals, and they seem to always gravitate towards her.

Baji pushed the girl gently, "Come on! Let's go see the cats!" He said, grinning.

Chifuyu followed and looks at all the cats that were in their cages, playing with one another or just sleeping.

The girl's eyes sparkled as she watched them, before looking at the two and pointing at them, "Hmm."

"Ah, you wanna pet them?" The blond questioned, then looked around for a worker, "Ah, excuse me? Can we let one of them?" He asked them.

The worker smiled and nodded, "Sure. Let me just get the small play area ready for you." They said, and walked away to clean a bit.

Soon, they came back and led the three to small area, while they went to get the small animal.

Chifuyu looked over at the girl and noticed how her eyes shined when she saw the small cat placed in front of them.

"Hmm..." She hummed as she held the small animal in her arms, and they purred.

He smiled and reached over to pet the small cat.

Baji sat close to the girl in order to look at the creature, that looked up at him, and pawed his nose, which made him grin, "Hey, little guy." He said.

The girl smiled softly as she held to the cat.

The two males looked at the girl, and smiled softly at her, seeing her eyes sparkle as she watched the small feline pawing at her cheek.


Chifuyu and Takemichi were on the phone talking about (Y/n).

"Was the day good? Did you give her food? Did she fall asleep in the way back?" Takemichi asked, question after question.

"Takemitchy! It was good! Don't worry, Baji-san and I took great care of her."

"Baji-san was with you two?"

"Yeah. I called him and he invited himself because (Y/n)-chan is his wife."

"Eh? But don't you like her too?"

The male blushed brightly, "Sorry, gotta go." He said, then dropped the call.

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