~Special 23~

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Requested by someone who wishes to be anonymous

Plot: Kamado-chan going to the beach with Toman!

-3rd POV-

Mikey hummed as he knocked at the front door of the Sato/Kamado household. He had a pair of swim trunks on, which he secretly hoped his matched with his adorable girlfriend. A loose shirt over, which was button up, but left two unbuttoned.

He looked at the door, which opened to reveal (M/n), "Hello, Mrs. Sato!" He smiled, bowing, "I've come to get (N/n)-chin."

"Oh? What for?"

He blinked, "To take her to the beach. I thought I told you and Mr. Sato a few days ago?"

She blinked before her eyes widen, "That's today?! Ah! I'm sorry! We've been busy with work that we lost track of time and ended up sleepless! I'm sorry Manjiro! I'll get little (N/n) up and ready." She said, bowing frantically.

He waved his arms around, "It's all right. I know you and your husband are hard working." He smiled.

"Come in! Make yourself at home while I get her. She should be in her room..." She muttered as she walked in and heading to the stairs.

The blond had walked in and sat at the couch, waiting for the beauty to come down.


(M/n) had walked up the stairs and straight to (Y/n)'s room. She let out a small sigh of relief that she found her on the first try, "(Y/n)? Manjiro is here. He invited you to the beach." She smiled.

(Y/n) smiled, getting up from her spot.

"I'll pack you and Manjiro a lunch, so get ready and pack the necessary things." She smiled, as she walked out, heading back down.


(Y/n) came down with her bag and a cute sun hat on her head. She wore a flowing sundress and sandals.

Mikey stared at her with heart eyes, 'Ah, I have the cutest girlfriend.' He thought, hearts coming off of him.

(M/n) stared a soft smile, seeing how he stares at her daughter, the same way her husband stares at her, 'Young love...' She thought, coming towards them, with lunches in hand, "Here you go, kids, I made kimbap." She put them in (Y/n)'s bag, "Have fun. And be sure to call for anything."

The daughter nodded with a smile, "Hmm." She hummed, about to grab Mikey's hand but he took her bag and then took a hold of her hand.

"No carrying anything." He smiled, leading her out the door.

The mother stared at the two as they left, "My daughter definitely scored." She said, doing a fist-bump in the air.


Mikey and (Y/n) got to the beach. As they pulled up, they were greeted by the Toman members.

"Mikey-kun! (Y/n)-chan!" Takemichi called out, walking over.

The said girl ran up to him and did a twirl, "Hmm!"

He chuckled and nodded, "You look cute as always, (Y/n)-chan." He said, which made her brighten up.

Mitsuya walked up, "Need help with anything, Mikey?"

The said blond shook his head, "No. It's just (N/n)-chin's stuff. I had put my towel in her back as I moved things around." He said, grabbing the girl's bag.

They headed towards where the rest were, who greeted them, but the ones did have a crush on the girl only blushed. Like Hakkai, he just froze with a massive blush on his face.


As everyone was having fun in the water or just laying by the sidelines to get a tan, (Y/n) was sitting on the sand, building a sandcastle.

As she was building, she felt someone sit next to her, seeing that it was Angry, "Hmm." She hummed, smiling, before going back to what she was doing.

"Aren't you going to go for a swim for a bit? It is a hot day after all." He said, worried she might faint from a heatstroke. Though, he also didn't know anything about demons since she's the only one he knows.

"Hmm." She hummed, which confused him.

'I still don't know her language...' He thought, looking around for Takemichi, Mikey or Chifuyu.

"She's saying that she isn't bothered by it." A male's voice said, making him look, seeing Mitsuya.

"You understand her?"

"Yeah, I just listen to the different tones of hums, look at the different emotions in her eyes and her actions." He said.

"Oh..." He muttered.

"(N/n)-chin! Come on! Let's go in the water!" A soaked Mikey said, coming over by the girl, grabbing her hand and gently pulled her.

"A-Ah! Don't just drag her!" Takemichi exclaimed, "Plus, she likes being on the sand more." He waved his arms around.

The lilac haired male sighed, "Let her be, Mikey."

The said blond pouted, "But I want my cute girlfriend swimming too."

The girl smiled and got up from her spot, taking off her sundress, revealing her swimsuit.

(A/n: her swimsuit is like Komi's)

Instantly all the males, except Takemichi, blushed.

'Her small waist!'

'Am I dead?'

'She's so pretty!'

'How does one get (Y/n)-chan's attention...'

'Nope! Too much skin! Why would her mom let her wear this?!'

'So cute...'

A few of them thought, watching her walk up to Draken with a hair tie.

"Hmm." She hummed handing it to him, which he grabbed.

"Guessing you want me to put up your hair?" The tall blond said, watching her nod and turn. He put the hair tie between his teeth, before doing her hair in a ponytail.

The demon girl looked at him, patting his hand, then going to a blushing Mikey, grabbing his hand and taking him to the water.


After swimming happily in the water, Mikey grew hungry and wanted to eat the kimbap that (M/n) had made.

"Come on, (N/n)-chin. Time to eat." He smiled.

"Yeah. I'm hungry too." Chifuyu nodded, walking out the water and to their stuff they had left, as the rest followed.

(Y/n) had gone out and went to her bag, taking out a bento and handing it to Mikey, then took out the other and sat on her towel, as he took off her muzzle.

Takemichi took note of the bentos, which made him blink, "Eh? You're mom made kimbap? No fair!" He cried.

Mikey smirked, "Be jealous, Takemitchy. I'm on my way to becoming (N/n)-chin's future husband."

"I thought Baji was her husband." Nahoya questioned but came out more like a statement.

"Shhhh, this ain't about him. We have an unspoken rivalry here, but just know I'm winning." He said, before eating, which made his eyes sparkle, "Wah! This is so good!" He looked at the girl, "(N/n)-chin, I'm gonna visit more to taste your parents cooking!"

The girl smiled at him, nodding, "Okay..." She said, eating her kimbap, but shared some with Takemichi since he wanted some.

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