~Special 25~

510 28 6

Plot: Formation B!

Requested by: Ae-nnah

-3rd POV-

Ran was seen running as Rindou, Izana and Kakucho were sitting in the shade.

"Boss! Kakucho! Rindou!" Ran yelled out.

"Huh?" Izana said.

"So annoying. It's too hot for your craziness." Rindou said

"Ehh..." Kakucho grumbled.

The braided male skid to a halt before yelling out, "(Y/n)-chan's getting hit on!"

Suddenly, with a bust of energy all four of them were running.

"Formation B!" The white haired male yelled out.

"Roger!" They all said.

(Y/n)-chan was seen talking to a male, that was a reincarnation of Giyuu, when suddenly Rindou and Ran appeared, running like titans from Attack on Titan.

"(Y/n)-chan!" They both said, and latched themselves to the female.

"Who is that man?! Have you forgotten the night you toasted to my eyes?" The blond and blue haired male said.

"Was it all a lie when you said your time with me was the most enjoyable of all?!" The braided haired male said.

"That night! That night!"

(Y/n), with dotted eyes could only tilt her head in confusion.

Suddenly a voice interrupted them.

"Could you not touch her so casually, please, you homewreckers?!" Izana was seen with black pants, a red shirt and his jacket over his shoulder, "(Y/n)-chan has violin practice with me now. Let's go home, (Y/n)-chan. Today I'll have you master "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.""

Kakucho stood next to him with a clipboard, acting like an assistant.

"Bye-bye, Tomi." She said to the reincarnated male, waving at him.

The male bowed with a soft smile, "See you next time, (Y/n)-chan." Then walked away.

"Huh?" All four of them stood confused.

(Y/n) turned to them with a frown, wanting an explanation.

Ran rested his pointer against his chin, as his other finger with his pointer also up, just pointed at her not saying anything at her.

"Explain!" She pouted, but then Izana, Ran and Rindou walked away, while Kakucho was next to the girl laughing softly before getting hit in the head.

"Ow!" He rubbed his head, "I'm sorry, (Y/n)-chan."

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