The news of Urmila's inexplicable slumber spread rapidly throughout the palace. Worry ignited along with speculations among all whoever heard it. Whispers echoed through the halls and many attributed her condition to the separation from her beloved Lakshman. Anxiety hung heavy in the air as servants, courtiers, and family members alike grappled with the implications of Urmila's mysterious sleep. Each passing moment only seemed to deepen the sense of unease, as they waited for any sign of change or awakening from the third rajvadhu. The palace stood hushed and tensed by being united with concern.

As Nidra Devi had foretold, Urmila's senses remained keenly attuned even in her profound slumber. Though her body was still and unresponsive. But her mind was acutely aware of the bustling activity and anxious whispers that filled the air around her. Each sob from her mother-in-laws and sisters pierced her heart by filling it with a sense of helplessness and sorrow. Urmila longed to reassure them, to convey that she could hear their every word and see their tear streaked faces through the eyes of her mind. Yet, bound by the sacred duty she had undertaken to ensure Lakshman's uninterrupted rest, she remained trapped in her statue-like state.
With no recourse but patience, she put herself to the waiting game by counting the moments until she wakes up.

As per Kaushlya's order, all of the royal physicians and esteemed healers of Ayodhya came to Moti Bhavan, their collective expertise summoned to unravel the enigma of Urmila's unprecedented slumber.

In that moment Kaikeyi came with heart coated with multiple layers of guilt. However, the weight of her remorse made her unable to approach Urmila's chamber. And she had convinced herself that her own actions were to blame for the rajvadhu's condition. With tear-filled eyes, she stood at a distance and silently witnessed to the situation. Her soul burdened by the knowledge of the pain she had inadvertently caused. Despite her longing to offer solace, Kaikeyi remained trapped in the grip of her remorse, by being unable to find redemption amidst the turmoil that enveloped the palace.

"Maharani Kaushalya, this condition of Rajvadhu Urmila have raised because of depression. The separation from Rajkumar Lakshman have hung heavy on her heart. Her mind had forcefully accepted it but not her heart. It's still in ache and longings. Her subconscious found itself unable to handle the pain for upcoming fourteen years, as a result she had temporarily lost her physical senses." - A group of female healers served the reason, still the hint of doubt was palpable in their tone.

To counter that statement, another group of physicians stated- "But the symptoms are signs of sudden shift in diet and life style. Rajvadhu Urmila have made an extreme changed in her diet. From Rajbhog to roasted sweet potatos and berries. This shift is like heaven to earth. So her body became irresistible to it. As a result...........

"This reason is baseless Maharani." - Another healer cut the previous physician up.
"We all know the irregular sleeping habits of Rajvadhu Urmila. She sleeps very less. And this is what hampered her health by resulting this undisturbed slumber."- pride raised in the healer's voice.

"Mahashay (sir), Seems like you lack knowledge about the royal family members."- Another female physician came to the front with a mocking smile on face. - "Let me tell you, Rajvadhu Urmila has not developed the less sleeping habit recently. She naturally sleeps less Since her childhood. I hope Rajvadhu Mandvi and Shrutkirti can confirm this.."

Mandvi and Shrutkirti nodded in response to her.

She continued- "The reason here is the tears, which are behind the boundaries of her eyes... Which she had prohibited from falling. It has given her this helplessness. Her soul is buried under the weight of her tears, which she couldn't shed during Rajkumar Lakshman's along with Rajkumar Ram and Rajvadhu Sita's departure for exile. And for the unexpected demise of Maharaj."

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