At the duke mansion :

The infirmary was chilled with tension. Only the sound of the doctor moving the medical kits was heard. Arya glanced at Ivan. 'He is... furious. Ahh, at times he can be so scary.' His furrowed brow formed deep creases, piercing through the air like daggers. Yet, amidst the anger, there was a flicker of worry, a subtle tremor in his gaze betraying a fear lurking beneath the surface. His lips were tightly pressed together, exuding an aura of controlled rage. His jaw clenched and twitched as his brows knit together in a menacing scowl. This combination of anger and worry painted a picture of raw, unbridled fury tempered by an underlying sense of apprehension, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who dared to meet his gaze.

Everyone in the infirmary felt engulfed by his aura, drowning in the absence of sound. As if Ivan wasn't enough, Fahim, the doctor, was also casting manic, glaring looks at Arya. When their gazes met, Arya hurriedly averted her eyes. 'Ahh, this is torture, I tell you.'

"Madam," Fahim says, smiling as usual, though anger is clearly emanating from him, giving him a menacing appearance. "Will you stay in bed? Resting, letting others take care of you, hmm?" Shivers run down her spine. 'Scary, scary, scary,' Arya thinks, rapidly nodding her head. "Good," he says, still exuding his dark aura despite his smile.

"Miya," at Ivan's call, Miya stepped forward. "Take good care of her. If she does not behave, feel free to use a bit of force." Looking at Arya, he spoke. Hearing him, she glanced at him, shocked at what he just said. "Yes, master," Miya's words surprised her even more. 'These people', Arya's fingers grip on the bedsheet, 'haa, who am I to complain? I bought this on myself.'

After the treatment was completed, they moved her back to her room. "Now remember, do not make unnecessary movements, am I clear?" Ivan nagged me for the last time before leaving. "Mhhmm," Arya simply replied. "Miya, bring me some water," Arya requested, and Miya handed her a glass of water. "Where are my things?" Arya inquired. "They are left in your desk drawer, my lady. Should I bring them?" Miya asked. "That would be helpful," Arya replied, and Miya went to fetch the items from the drawer.

It was already nighttime when Miya brought supper to Arya's room. Ivan sat near the bedside, his gaze glued on her as Arya took small bites of the food. "Why did you do that?" Ivan whispered deeply, halting the spoon before it reached her lips. "What do you mean?" Arya replied. "The princess says she found you unconscious in the inner corner of her garden, but the guards speak otherwise. They evacuated everyone inside the garden and brought them to a safe area. And a maid saw you running towards the plaza," he said with a serious look, "what were you thinking? What could you possibly achieve by doing something so foolish? You can't even use mana; it's not like a staged fight where you swing your sword to win. You could have been seriously hurt. Knights' bodies were found dead on the ground in the plaza. What if..." his voice faltered as he looked at her, unable to utter the word 'death,' even thinking about it filled him with dread. "There were numerous monsters; it's not a lady's duty to defend. What were the Knights for then?" He was furious, his anger fueled by concern for her well-being.

Arya listened to his every word silently, happy to be scolded. A small smile carved her lips as she kept her face down, gazing at the bowl of soup. It was the first time someone had been angry for her, and she couldn't describe the feeling of being cared for; it was like a cup overflowing with the sweet nectar of love and care. When Ivan's eyes landed on her smile, he was flustered, his ears turning a faint shade of red. Amused by her reaction, he wanted to say more, but seeing her like that, he couldn't utter a word. The surroundings suddenly softened, as if a spring breeze was flowing, carrying the scent of flowers. Miya entered the room, catching sight of Ivan's flustered state and Arya's sweet smile. She covered her lips with her hand and whispered, "Oh my!" before tiptoeing out of the room, leaving them in their own world.

After days of rest, Arya was bored to death; however, the people of the Duke's mansion insisted on her resting more. The duchess would visit her every day, bringing dessert and flowers along. Arya felt warmth in the duchess's presence. "Mother, I wish to go out. Staying in bed is making me feel paralyzed. Can I?" With a pitiful gaze, she looked at the duchess. Being a fool for her daughter, the duchess hugged Arya tightly, "how are you so cute!" Meeting her gaze, the duchess continued, "alright, but you have to keep the maid and the escort beside you all the time, hmm? Promise me?" Hearing the duchess's words, Arya's eyes lit up. Being able to go out brought her a sense of relief, knowing that she could resume completing the tasks at hand. Hugging back, she said smilingly, "Thank you, mother! You are the greatest!"
"Hohoho, that I am!" Saying both, they broke out in laughter.



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