The future is real (age: 17)

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The next time you wake up, you're in a different yet familiar room. You looked around, 4 stone walls lined your room with a small barred window peeking out of the back wall. A small desk sat in the corner with a hard wooden chair. A door was on the other end of the room to, what you assumed, was a bathroom. You lay on a stiff matrice with a lumpy pillow behind you. Mr cuddles were to the right of you, you wanted to reach for him but noticed something was different. As you grab him you realize you can't feel his fluffy fur. You sit up and look at your hands. They were covered in black leather gloves.

Confused, you tried to pull them off but they wouldn't leave your hands. You then tried to use your magic but the gloves prevented you from doing so. What were these things?

Before you could think further, the door creaked open. You turned your head to see Mad walk in with a clipboard. He looked up and smiled. "Nice to see you awake."

You weren't sure what to say. On one hand, you were upset, but on the other, you knew what was going on was because of last night. In a way you felt safe, the safest you felt in a long time. But you knew you weren't gonna be leaving the space any time soon.

You pulled your legs to your chest and moved your head into your knees "I'm sorry" was all you mustered to say.

"An apology isn't gonna help you this time y/n" he pulled over the chair and sat facing the bed "You destroyed your whole room, even creating a hole in the floor."

You looked away from him and at the wall. "Great, now they're all against me' you thought.

Mad sighed as he leaned back in the chair. "I understand this is challenging right now. But we came up with a plan to ensure the safety of ourselves, and ourselves."

You turn your head to face him, still burying it in your knees. "Like what?" you mumbled.

He taped a pen to the clipboard, adding a bit of noise to the room. "First you and I are gonna start therapy. It will help your emotions out without you destroying the castle." he then gestured to your hands "Second, those gloves are to be worn until you can learn to control your powers. You can return to your magic lessons in a few days if your behavior improves."

You nodded, as much as you wanted to argue, you also felt that this was the best way to control yourself. If you were being honest, you were scared to use your power after what you saw in the book. You then lifted your head and looked down at your hands, studying them. Remembering how your powers couldn't go through. "Are they like magic blockers?"

"They are." He nodded.

You nodded your head and you clasped them together. You felt somewhat safe with them on. It was nice to know that with them on, your magic wouldn't hurt anyone or anything. Looking around, you missed your bedroom. Why had you let anger take control? Then maybe you would only be grounded with a lovely bed to lay in and stuff to keep you occupied. "What about my room? When can I go back?" you blurted out.

"Your room is still being repaired, so until that's fixed, your new room is here. And you are not to leave without supervision, at least, not until we can get your emotions under control." He placed a hand over your gloved hands. "We didn't ever want it to come to this (y/n) but you gave us no other option."

You nodded, there was no getting out of this. But right now you just wanted to be with your thoughts, alone. "Can you give me a few minutes, alone?"

He nodded "I'll go upstairs and grab some food, then will start our session." with that he stood and took his leave.

Once the door closed you glanced around your cell once again. It only made you remember last night's events. You felt sad, scared, and angered by it all. Why did this have to happen to you? As if all the events that happened in your life so far weren't enough, you were now destined for the same future as your aunts and uncles. That thought scared you the most. As a little girl, you wanted to be just like them. But after what you saw in the book, it seems the only thing you were destined for, was failure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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