Bad words (age:6)

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(Warning, lots of cussing!)
It was the last ten minutes of class. Frollo was reading a book while you were finishing up a spelling test that gothel was giving you. She read a word, and you would respond with the spelling.

"Close, I close my door, close." She asked.

"C-l-o-s-e, close." You responded.

"Put, you put that away, put."

"P-u-t, put"

"Know, I know what I'm doing, know."

"N-o, no"

"No, that's no, as in no I don't want that. know is k-n-o-w. Try their, their on their way, their."

"T-h-e-r-e, there."

"No, that's there, as in we went there. The one I was looking for is T-h-e-i-r" She sighed as she marked that paper on her desk "that five out of ten this week. Y/n, you need to remember how to spell these words."

You cross your arms "why is spelling so goddamn hard." You shout before kicking one of the table legs with your foot.

They both look at you with surprise.

"What was that?" Frollo asked, slamming the book shut on his desk.

You looked over at him, you knew that tone. You were in real trouble now.

"Y/n, We're on earth, did you hear a word like that?" Gothel asked

"The tv, Jasper and horse were in the living room watching a show called the simons, something like that. They used that word as well others I don't know like shit, pissed, ass, bast-"

"Silence!" Frollo yelled and You quickly shut up. "Y/n I never want to hear those words from your mouth again."


"Because they are very bad words. And a young lady, like yourself, shouldn't use them."


They both looked at each other before they both stand.

"I'll go talk to cruella about this." Gothel said as she excused herself from the room.

Frollo on the other hand came right up to you with a disapproving look. "Come, a lesson needs to be learned here." He gestured for you to follow and you did. You didn't need to go far though, just the connecting bathroom that was in the small classroom.

"What have I told you about the lord's name?" He asked, turning the faucet on and grabbed the bar of soap.

"Don't use the lord's name in vane."

"And why don't we do that?" He turned the faucet off.

"Because it's a sin."

"Smart lass" he then turned with the bar of soap in his hand. "Now, stick out your toung."

You gave in a questionable look but obayed. The next thing you knew, a bar of soap was rubbed on it. It tasted awful.

"That should clean you of your sin. I never expect to hear those words again, got it?" He took the soap away and placed it back on the sink.

"Yes uncle Claud." You say trying to get the awful taste of soap out of your mouth.

"Good, you are excused for the day." He said with a dismissive hand.

You nodded and left the classroom quickly before you caused any more trouble for yourself. But apun stepped into the hall, you hear cruella reprimanding Jasper and Horace.

"You both are idiots, buffoons, imbeciles. Why on earth did you think that was appropriate for a 6 year old?" She yelled.

"We're sorry ma-oof" a loud crash could be heard from down the hall. You let out a small smile, at least you weren't the only one getting punished today.

Authors note:3/27/23
Hay everyone, long time no see. Life's been crazy, if you want more you can read my post on my profile. Anyways, sorry for the short chapter, but I think it fits the story quite well. Also I don't recommend washing you kids mouth out with soap, I just feel that something Frollo would totally do. I'm hopeing to get more chapters up this week, I've got a lot in store along with my other books, so stay tuned!
And for anyone who read the Disney villainxfem reader. It's still in the works, it's just taking longer cause I'm losing a bit of interest and my ideas are flowing as-well for that. Don't worry I'm not giving up, I'm just not put as much effort into that as I am with this and my Sarah adventures sires.
You all know the drill, feedback and ideas are appreciated, I love all the support weather that's reading or commenting. Anyways goober out!

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsWhere stories live. Discover now