The Dentist (age:9)

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You were currently outside in the forest racing against pain on your brand new mountain bike. Where you lived the paths were dirt and full of bumps, so scooters and skateboards were out of the question. Panic was all the way at the end of the path holding a checkered flag. You could see him, he was just a few feet away.

Pain had managed to pull up alongside you on your old bike. You both looked at eachother like you wanted to kill the other. you peddled faster making him peddle faster. But it was a little too fast as you hit a branch causing your bike to come to a hult. you tumbled head first over the Handlebars and onto the ground. Let's just say it was good you were wearing a helmet.

"Y/N '' Pain and Panic called. Pain stopped the bike inches from the finish line and Panic dropped the checkered flag. They bother rushed over to you as you let out a moan of pain. You felt a strange sensation in your mouth, and a taste of- blood?

"Y/n, oh I told you t..t..this was a b..b..bad idea" panic said as he, well, panicked.

"Relax I'm sure she's fine." Pain said as he ran over. "Right y/n?"

You sat up slowly holding your jaw. You stuck your tongue up to an open gap between your teeth. One of your front teeth was missing. You had lost another tooth!

"Sweet uncle Hook owes me 3 doubloons!" Only it came out strange with the tooth missing. Pain and panic breathed a sigh of relief.

"See I told ya she was alright!" Pain said with a smile.

"Quick help me find the tooth!" You said and got to your feet. The three of you tried to find the tooth, looking under fallen leaves, digging through dirt until finally.

"I it!" Panic said. You ripped it from Panic's hands and you hopped back on your bike. "Last one to the castle is a rotten egg!" And speed off towards the castle.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Pain said as he and panic raced for your old bike.

Five minutes later you were back at the castle. You dumped your bike on the steps, not bothering to put it away since you planned on coming back out after you got your doubloons. You raced inside and called for your uncle Hook.

"In the living space!" He called.

You raced in and found him sitting on a armchair. "Alright pay up!" He looked at you perplexed until you showed him the tooth. "See I lost another one, now pay up!"

"And how did you lose this one?" He asked not liking the way you came in.

"Fell off my bike, but I'm ok." You opened your mouth and pointed to the bloody gap. "See."

His eyes wided for a moment as he looked at your gap. If he recalled correctly you had already lost this tooth. "Y/n, I can't give you doubloons for this tooth."

You shut your jaw in shock. You cross your arms "Why not, I lost in fair and square."

"You already lost this one, it wasn't supposed to come out." He explained. You gave him a confused look "wasn't supposed to?"

"How did you fall?"

"I hit a root and fell over my handlebars. I'm fine but it knocked my tooth out."

Slowly he stood, grabbed your hand and walked you out of the room. "Where are we going?"

"To see Mad, I'm sure hill want to take a look at you after that nasty fall. Hopefully he'll be able to put your tooth back."

"No!" You shouted and you tried to get out of your uncle's grasp. If there was one thing you hated, it was that room. Last time you had to get stitches, and even though those weren't bad, you still didn't want him poking around at you. But no matter how hard you struggled, your uncle keeped a firm grip on you.

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsWhere stories live. Discover now