Museum of Distory (age: 17)

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Day tuesday, time 8:45, middle of history. You sat at your desk right next to Penny. Mr Thatch had been dragging on about his indepth mission to atlantis. Truth be told it was boring you out of your mind. Why did you have to have him for the second year in a row? History here was nothing like back at home, all lecture based and hardly any hands on activitys. You felt your eyes begin to close as he rabled on. Until finnly he wrapped up.

"And that's how Atlantis was founded. Any questions?" he asked. No one said a word. "Good. tomorrow will move onto our next land, the wonders of wonderland." He then grabbed a stack of papers off his desk. "Before I forget, there will be a field trip friday. The school is scedualed to go to the Museum of Distory. If you want to attend, I'll need these signed by your guardians by thursday." he then whent around handing out the slips.

"About time. Four week's into the new year, I think that's a record." Penny said as she looked over her slip.

"We have a museum?" you questioned and looked at the slip.

Penny looked at you with confusion. "You've never been to the museum before?"

"Not that I can recall. I'm kind of surprised, you would think that place would be great for education." you rubbed your head, trying to figure out why you never went.

"Maybe they're not allowed in? It's full of important objects so I could see why." Penny suggested.

You shrugged "Maybe. Guess I'll find out this afternoon."

(that afternoon)

You arrived safely home on Penellopy. Today has been a long day. You needed a quick snack before getting your homework done. Hopefully there were some leftover cookies left in the jar. So you headed to the kitchen. Upon entering you found your uncles Kronk and John Silver preparing dinner.

"Hey (y/n) how was school?" Kronk as he diced up some veggies.

"Good, we got any leftover cookies?" you questioned from the doorway.

"Sorry kido, Lock, Shock, and Barrel ate the last of them." Silver stated peeling potatoes over the trash can.

"Of course." you grumbled. "I'll just have some chips then." you head over to the pantry. It was a really big pantry, plenty of food to feed everyone. You could say it was larger than a walk in closet. You raised your hand and used your magic to call over a small bag of doritos. Once it was infront of you you grabbed it and headed upstairs to the classroom. Like every afternoon, Frollo and Gothel were both waiting.

"Afternoon my flower." Gothel greeted.

"Afternoon." you said and dumped your bag next to Frollos desk for inspection.

"Anything we should be aware of?" he asked, pulling it up onto his lap.

"Nope, just a magic assignment and a field trip slip i need signed."

"Where are you going this time?" Gothel questioned as Frollo pulled the slip from your bag.

"The Meuseum of Distory."

They both froze, as if a subtle cold breez game through the window. "You're going where?" he sounded surprised by your response.

"You heard me." you said leaning on his desk "Why did we never go? It seems like it would have been a great learning opportunity."

"We went there once, you were around 6 I believe." Gothel quickly responded.

You thought back. Your memorie was pretty sharp but you didnt rember anything involving a museum. Something wasn't adding up. "We did?"

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora