Secret letters (age: 15)

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(I would like to thank @909demo909 and @patrx_ for there ideas for this chapter)

For years now you and Penny have been writing letters back and forth with each other. Penny had a barn owl on her farm where you both would attach letters to him and he would fly them back and forth. But today he was late. It was almost time for dinner and someone was sure to come barging in at any moment.

The way you both sent letters was Penny would write hers and tie it to the owl's foot before sending it your way. You would then retrieve the letter from the owl's foot before tying the response to the previous letter back around. You would then send the owl off before writing a response to the new letter, then stashing them away in a draw for when the owl came back.

You stood, same spot every other day, waiting for him by the window in your room. It wasn't long before the faint sound of who's could be heard, then a small owl.

"Finally." You whisper as the owl comes into view.

"Who" he called but you quickly shut it beek.

"Quiet, it's almost dinner and someone will be up to fetch me." You whisper before untying the letter. You take a glance at it. It felt good to see "love penny" at the end. You blushed a bit, but quickly stopped as you heard footsteps approaching your door. You quickly grab your response and tyed it to his foot.

"Go, Quickly!" You said, swatting the owl away as your door opened.

"Y/n, whoever are you talking to." Your aunt Tremaine asked as she came into the room.

"No one." You say quickly as you close the window and turn. You shove the letter behind your back.

"What are you hiding?" She asked. It was impossible to hide anything from your aunts and uncles. After all, they were the masters of keeping secrets.

"Nothing!" You tighten your grip and the note crinkles.

"Hand it over." She asked, holding her arm out.

"Really,'s nothing-" you stutter.

"Now, y/n!" She shouted. You sigh and lower your face towards the floor. Your right hand comes out revealing the note. You hand it over and she rips it from your grasp.

She took a moment to read it over and released what it is. "A love letter?" She look up at you surprised.

"Please, I can explain."

"Oh You're going, young lady." She then grabs your wrist. "In fact, why don't you explain this to all of us!" You were then pulled downstairs straight to the dinning room where everyone else was waiting.

"It seems like someone's got a love interest." She states as you both enter. The room dropped into silence as everyone turned to look at you both. Trimain dropped your wrist and you begin to rub it. She then turns her attenchun to the letter and reads it.
"It says, and I quote.
Dear y/n
I'm sorry that happened to you. Don't worry, I'll bring cookies to our picnic tomorrow. Mother helps me with the baking, I know you love her cookies. Also, my father helped me upgrade my scooter. I can't wait to show you all the new gadgets tomorrow. Blot is doing well, though he finally tore up his carrot chew toy and is bummed about it. Mittens and rhino seem to have gotten into a fight and have been chasing each other around the house. So I'm not sure if they will join us, but I'm sure Bolt will love to see you. I love you a lot y/n, and I've got a surprise for you.
Love Penny
P.s. blot, mittens, and rhino say hi!"

"Penny. You're dating my enemy's daughter?!" Calico blurted out.

"It's not what it looks like! well it is, but, I can explain!" You said frantically.

"But how, that girl lives miles away from the castle. Unless you left the grounds without permission?" Calico stated.

"One day she and Bolt went into the forest. Since then we've been seeing each other in the same spot."

"So those walks you take every Saturday, you're meeting up with her?" Clayton asked.

You nodded.

"And just how long has this been going on?" Hades asked.

"2 years." You bow your head in shame. This was followed by gasps from around the table.

"This isn't far," Anastasia complained .

"We've been stuck in the castle longer than you, and you already found love!" Drizella shouted.

"Well then there's only one solution for this. You are not to see this- penny girl again."

"What? You can't do that." You complain.

"As your legal guardians we can and we will. Besides, it's not the road our lord would want for you."

"I don't see the problem with it." Gothel said and everyone look at her. "Y/n is 15 now. She's lived in this castle with no one her age and personally her finding someone is probably what she needed. It also probably explains her rather good mood lately."

You blush a little

"I agree, y/n does seem to be doing better with someone her age in her life. Who cares if it's a girl-" Ursula said before being interrupted.

"I do!" The room went silent "I care, this is not how we raised her, to be some gay-" he revived a slap to the face by gothel.

"Shut your trap Claud, she's practically an adult by now."

"And she can't get pregnant!" Gaston jokes, but revived dirty looks from the rest of the table.

"Is this how you all feel?"

"Yes!" They all shouted.

Frollo stood "I see you've all gone mad! Especially you, have I taught you nothing about respecting our lord."

"You did but I- '' you tried to explain but he wasn't having it.

"I don't want to hear it! I'll be in my room when the rest of you come to your senses." With that he stormed out of the room.

Gothel got up and followed him "I'll go try and calm him down."

"Don't mind your uncle, he has no idea what he is talking about."

"Ok" you let the k drag on a bit as you turn back to the table.

"With that nonsense out of the way, why don't you sit and tell us more about this penny girl you adore?" You gulped, this was going to be a long night.

Later you were in your room, sitting on the edge of your bed reading. Even though you were castle schooled, you were still given assignments to do on your own time. This one just happens to be this history of magic. It wasn't so bad as it actually contained spells, and you were trying to study for and up one axsam. That is until a knock came at your door. You look up and respond "Come in."

You watch as the door opens revealing frollo. "Studying for your magic exam I see." He says as he shuts the door.

"What do you want" you say before burying your head back in your book.

"I came to apologize" he crossed over to the bed and sat down next to you.

"Ya right." You mumble slamming the book shut.

"Listen I might not agree with this but you're our daughter." He spoke in a rather calm demeanor "and if you think she is the one for you, then maybe, by some miracle, this is our lord's plan for you."

"Do you really mean it?"

"I do. After all this castle is full of evil, it was only time before you found your dark path. Let's just hope this doesn't send you to the devil."

You look up at him and smile "Thanks uncle." But you weren't prepared for what he was going to say next.

"So, when do we get to meet this penny?"

Authors notes:
Well, after a moth of trying to write this. The villain now know you have a girl friend. Also the books earring might be chanced because of the awful humor I have. And thank you all for your support and ideas, please keep them coming! Goober out!

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsWhere stories live. Discover now