Punishments (age: 7)

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You were outside playing in the tree house your uncles had built you for your birthday. Aunty Gothel had warned you 5 more minutes before you had to go back inside for lessons but you didn't want to go back. You were getting fed up with school for the day, having to actually learn things now that you were older. Like adding and subtracting, the history of how the kingdom came to be, the rule of writing. It was just too much. So you hid behind one of the walls, between the door and a side wall.

"Alright y/n time to come inside." You heard Gothel call but you stayed quiet.

"Y/n come down" she called again.

"No!" You call from your hiding spot.

"Don't make me come up there!"

You sigh as you stand and head to the door. Stepping onto the balcony, you head to the slide and slide down. You land on your feet and go up to gothel.

"There you are, now come along." She gestured for her to follow.

"I'm not going!" You protest.

"And why not?" Gothel asks, turning to her.

"I don't want to learn, it's too hard."

Gothle sighed this wasn't the first time you had fought with them over education. "Y/n you know you don't have a choice, now come along."  she then reaches out for your hand.

"I'm not going!" You scream before punching her hard in the arm.

"Y/n no!" Gothel shouted as she grabbed your small fist. "We don't hit!"

"I don't care!" You scream as you kick her in the leg. Gothel yelped in pain and she let go. She had the same look as aunt cruella when she gets mad at Jasper and Horace. You were in big trouble now. You backed up and broke out into a run back inside the castle.

"You reachid girl, get back here!" Gothel shouted chasing after you.

You race through the backdoor of the castle, Gothel hot on your tail. You ran down hallways till you thought you lost her in the games room. Inside you saw hades and jafar standing by the ping pong table. They both look at you when you rush in.

"Wow y/n, why the rush?" Hades asked.

"Hide me." You say rushing behind him.

"Where your aunt Gothel, isn't she getting you for lessons?" Jafar questioned.

"She's mad, real mad." You say clutching onto Hades. But it was too late, Gothel had come back looking real mad.

"Yikes, what happened to you?" Hades asked.

"That girl is what happened to me!" She screamed, pointing at you.

They all turn to look at you.

"What did she do?" Jafar asked

"She kicked me is what." She said as she began to march towards you but you immediately ran the other way straight into Jafar arms. He picked you up and you clung to him.

Hades looked right at gothel "Gothel you clearly need a break, go do something to cool that head of yours. Will take care of the girl."

"No, she needs to learn not to do this!"

"I agree, and it will be taken far off. Now, you go do something to calm yourself." Jafar stated.

"Fine!" She acted like a child and stormed off.

Jafar waited a minute before walking into the hallway. "Did you do that?"

You nod your little head, ashamed.

"You know what happens when you disobey, right?"

"No please!" You say knowing where you were headed next. It wasn't long before you recognized the family's staircase at the end of the hall. It leads to the most scary east place in the whole chaste, the dungeons. Although it didn't house any prisoners, the villains still found a use for it, to punish you. Whenever you disobeyed any of them, you were brought down to the dungeons from 5 minutes to an hour.

"No, please I'll be good." You say as you both epoch the dim lit cell.

"I'm sorry y/n but you know the rules." He said as he unlocked it and you both entered. He then placed you on the ground "ten minutes, then you can come out." You watch him leave, closing the door behind him.

You sit down and curl up in a ball. The cell was small and dark, two of your least favorite things. The only light coming from a candle next to the cell door. You slowly begin to rock back and forth trying to calm yourself. Why had you hit gothel in the first place, all over some silly lessons.

After what seemed an eternity, you could hear footsteps in the hall. You get up and rush over to the door. You watch as the door opens revealing Frollo.

You quickly rush into his long robe. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You apologize profusely.

"Give me your hand." He said.

"What?" You ask, stepping back.

"Give me your hand." He asked again. You reluctantly scratched out your hand and he slapped the back of it.

"Ouch!" You scream in pain and you yank it back.

"See, it hurts!" He scolded. "How do you think Gothel feels?"

"I'm sorry." You crock out.

"Does this mean you learn a lesson?" He asked, placing two fingers under your chin, making you look up at him.

"Don't hit people."

"And why do we not do it?"

"Cause it hurts."

"Smart lass" he said, patting you on the head "now when we get back to the classroom you are going to apologize to your aunt, understand."

"Yes uncle Claud."

"Good now come along. You've wasted enough time as it is." he held out his hand and you reluctantly took it.
To add on to your punishment. You had to do an extended hour of lessons and weren't allowed to go outside for the next 2 days, how sad. 😢

Authors notes: 2/23/23
Well now we know what happens when you disobey. Who knew Gothel would go crazy on you for kicking her. My tip, just don't hit people, unless you was the child napper and devil after you Lolz.
Anyways, suggestion are always Wellcome as you know.
And why not check out my there story's while you're at it. Other then that goober out!

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsWhere stories live. Discover now