Two wrongs don't make a right (age: 17)

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Saturday night, the night you would sneek into the Museum of Distory and sneak a peek into the Book of Stories. The plan so far had been executed perfectly. You told your family you were gonna sleep over at Penny's, while Penny told her parents that she was gonna sleepover at the castle. So far no one suspected a thing.

At 8 you left for pennys on foot. Since her house was on the way to the museum, she told her parents you were going out to dinner before going to your place so they wouldn't get suspicious. It was about a ten minute walk, nothing special. You didn't want to talk penelope in fear she would be to loud, so you planned to ride on pennys scooter. The journey would be long, almost an hour, but an hour for answers will be worth it.

Upon arriving you found Penny playing with Bolt, Mittens, and Rhino in the yard. Bolt was chasing after a ball while Mittens laid in the grass as Rhino did laps in his ball. "Hey Penny!" you called entering the yard.

"(y/n)!" she turned to look at you. She raced over and you both embraced in a hug. "Ready for tonight?"

"You know it!"

"Alright, let me just put these fellas inside. Meet me by the barn over there." she pointed to the barn attached to her house. You nodded and walked over. After about five minutes she came out, opened it up, grabbed her scooter and two bike helmets. Her father had configured it so now two people could fit.

You put one of the helmets on as Penny situated herself. You then hopped on and grabbed her shoulders. "Hold on." she said as she rammed her enegin and you both took off. The museum was located in the heart of the island, Main street central, where all the hussle and bustle was. Not tonight though, you would think in a place where people worked most of the week days that things would be open late. But in the disney kingdom, very few places are open late saturday and sunday nights.

This would be perfect, not many people would be around, and the museum would be closed for the evening. Sure you had a very bad feeling about doing this, especially the way your family is, but this was something you had to do. After 55 mins and 38 seconds of rideing you made it. You hoped off as Penny put her scooter behind one of the bushes outside. You both paused as you looked at the dark, empty building.

"Dont tell me your getting cold feet now." Penny jokes.

"Ofcourse not, i'm just-"

"Scared we're gonna get caught?"

"A little."

She grabbed your shoulders and turned you to face her. "Listen, you and I are gonna go in there, look at that book, and get out without anything happening. I know how to disable the cameras, you've got magic, what could go wrong."

"I.. guess you're right." you said unsure as you both held hands and began making your way up the steps and inside the museum itself. As you and Penny entered, the building was completely dark. You watched as Penny opened a bottle of powder and shook it in the air. It lit up the room and the place came alive with green lazers. "Works every time" she smirked.

You looked at her with a raised brow, had she done this before? But before you could even ask, she began doing flips in the air, doging every lazer as she crossed the room. You rolled your eyes playfully. 'Show off' you thought before raising your hand and said "in times of danger I seek protection, give me a shield to protect my salvation." A green shield fell around your form. You walked across the room with ease, even when the lazers hit the shilrd, no alarm went off.

Penny nodded and then getured for you to follow as she showed you to the security room. The plan was for you to knock the guard out with a sleeping spell whail Penny would turn off the lazers and sensor to the Book of Stories. The door was closed and locked, hopefully there was only one guard on duty.

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsWhere stories live. Discover now