Q&A part 1 (age: 13)

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Y/n has just finished a long day of lessons and was ready to relax in her room. At Least that's what she told her aunts and uncles. Instead she took a seat in front of her desk and opened her laptop. She clicked on surf-fari and typed distube. She then logged into her count and clicked on live. Before hitting go she made sure she looked presentable and that her camera angle wasn't looking at her messy floor. Once everything was the way she wanted, she clicked go and her camera started rolling.

"Hey fellow viewers. Villain child here with another live." She watched as her viewer count went up. "Today we're going to be doing a Q&A. So if you all have questions, start sending them in the live chat and I'll do my best to answer them."

She waited as comments of "hi" and "how you were doing?" flew through the chat. A few minutes went by when the first question came up.

"Alright my first question is from @FangedNinjaKid5 "Do you want to curse or hurt people?" First off ouch, second Neither. I want to use my powers for good. I know what you're asking, why would a child of powerful villain's want to be a good guy? I just do. Also their not as bad of parents as you think, they're actually raising me to be a decent character. not some stuck up, greedy, jerk like themselves."

She took a moment to read the chat.

Sweet16notfun- at least you never got out under a sleeping curse

Caronaenginer/alchemist- hay not all of us stay evil.

madellaine- ya I was given a second chance after I stole a bell.

Sweet16notfun- that's because your hero's can accept you back into society. I for one, could never forgive Maleficent for putting me under a sleeping curse-

Y/n clicked on her profile and put her in a 5 min time out.

"Might I remind everyone to keep the chat pg friendly towards all. Not saying we need to forgive everyone but Aurora, I don't want to hear about what my aunt did to you and how you won't forgive her for the 16th time." She sighed before looking back at the chat for the next question. "Hukuna and mattata asked "Why don't you leave?" Where would I go? I mean my step sister Casandra rarely stops by since she's traveling. And my adoptive brother would totally call my aunts and uncles. Besides I like it here for now, they care for me, feed me, give me a good education, make sure I'm health" she then mumbles "even if that means needles. So why would I want to leave?"

She read the chat.

Zpdchefbuffilo- Cause there villains

Aristocatsfam- there are kidnappers

Thetealplatypus- mad scientist

Racer95- cheaters

"Alright all good reasons, but I just feel at home ya know. 13 years is a long time. Anyways Our next question comes from iftheslipperfits "Do they hurt you or are they overly mean?" So punishment here depends on what I do wrong. If I sware, it's soap to the mouth. If I hit or kick, I get a slap on the hand. There usually followed by a ten to sixty minute stay in the dungeon depending on how bad the crime is but I'm used to it. Now that I'm older though, they just yell at me to go to my room as they know I'll stay there and do something productive. At Least that's what I make them think." she sent the camera a devious grin "Honestly it's not that bad, there could be worse things. Let's be glad they like me and I'm not some enemy's child."

It was then the chat erupted into chaos.

Demigodherc- do you need help?!

Tinkthetinker- I can save you with pixie dust.

Monsterinc.- we could get a door hooked up to save you.

Carrots- DPD could file a report and save you.

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя