Bath time (age: 3)

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You were running around in the house, Gothel chasing you. It was a nice game of tag before bed. You were giggling and smiling till you went into the bathroom. Usually this wouldn't be a problem, unless the tub was full.

You look over to find that it was full of water. And on top of the counter was a towel and a new onzie. You knew what this meant, bathtime. Out of everything you hated bathtime, the water being poured over your head and landing in your eyes, soaps burning as it seeped in. The rough rag they would scrub you with to clean you. Not to mention the cold breeze you would feel after getting out, or the dangers of water itself. Because of this they tried to clean you only when needed, and after rolling around in the dirt today, you needed one.

You turned to exit but Gothel had already shut the door.

"Alright, now who's ready for the tub?" She asked, turning back to you.

You shake your head no "no bath!"

"You need one, you begin to smell like the underworld." She knelt down in front of you "come on, let's get you undressed."

"No!" You shout, backing up.

"We do this every week." She sighed "alright, why don't you want to do it this week?"

"Water is scary!" You cry pointing to the tub.

"It's not scary dear." Gothel said as she rolled up her sleeves and dipped her hand into the water and splashed it back and forth "See the water's fine. Your aunt's Ursula and Morgana love it."

"No!" You complain again.

"I know you hate it but you need one, now come on" she reached over and grabbed you. You sat in her lap and you struggled against her grip. She got you out of your clothes and placed you in the bath. You immediately stood up and tried to get out.

You then felt a bunch of water being poured on you, it was so cold that you had to sit in the tub to keep warm.

"See, that's not so bad." Gothel satted.

You look up at her and give her a sad face.

"Don't look at me like that. Here, you want a toy or something?" Gothel asked as she reached for the bath toy bucket nestled away in the corner. She pulled out a few colorful plastic boats and placed them in the tub.

You look at the boats with curiosity, they were small and plastic. Each one was a different color but you reached out for the f/c boat.

"You like them don't you."

"Ya" you nood as you push the boat in the water.

"Now think you can stay still for me till we're done? If you do, I'll let you have a treat before bed."

"Hair last?" You ask not wanting to do the hair right away.

"Sure, we can do your hair last." Gothel said as she grabbed a washcloth and rubbed some soap on it. She then proceeded to scrub your body. You let out small wines as she scrubbed but stayed still.

It wasn't long till she got to the hair. Whenever she rinsed you tipped your head back so it wouldn't get in your eyes. Yet on the second to last rinse you let out a loud cry as soap hit your eyes.

"Oh y/n, I'm sorry." She said as she dried your eyes with a towel. "I know it hurts, we're almost done." She said as she rinsed your head one last time before taking you out of the bath.

You shivered as cold air hit your body. "Cold" you said as the towel was placed around you.

"Yes it's cold, but you'll be warm in a minute." She then proceeded to dry you off and place you in the cute onesie cruella had made you.

"There, now you're all clean for another week." She smiled picking you up. "You know, Maybe we should get you swimming. It might help with this fear of yours."

"Beach?" You ask with a smile.

"I suppose we could go to the beach this weekend. I know you like the sand and we can get you in the water." she thought this for a moment "I'll ask around but I don't see why not."

"Beach!" You smile with glee and you head down to the kitchen for a small treat.

Authors notes: 2/23/23
You don't want to know the research I put into this chapter, spoiler way to much. Who knew you where such a scary cat when it came to water. What did it ever do to you? Let just hope that maybe a trip to the beach will do you so good, or bad I should say, Lolz.  No to figure out how to write that chapter...
As always feel free to let me know any idea you might have for future chapters. Goober out!

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin