Run away (kidnaping) (age:10)

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(This chapter involves running away and kidnapping, no one gets hurt. you have been warned.)

You were having a rough week. You didn't do well in your studies, none of the sidekicks wanted to hang out cause they were too busy, and tonight's dinner was your least favorite food, and now you were being sent to bed without tv time because you threw a fit at the dinner table.

When you got to your room you slammed the door. You hated this week, it felt like today was just repeating itself. No one seemed to be pleased with you and you weren't having it, you thought about it for a while and finally decided it was time to run away.

You opened your closet and grabbed a backpack you used for long distance travel. You pack some paper,colored pencils, your favorite book, some fidgets, and clothes.

However, you were rudely interrupted by none other than your second least favorite villain, the Cheshire cat "Sup y/n."

"Hay Cheshire." You say in a grumpy mood, you grabbed the last few bits of clothing and chucked them into the bag.

"Why you packing?"

"I'm leaveing."


"Cause this family thinks I'm an ungrateful brat." You swing the backpack onto your shoulders. You begin heading for your bedroom door.

"Where are you gonna go?"

"Unsure, probably quasi's. I'll just figure it out when I get to the crossroads."

"Will we ever see you again?"

'God does he ever shut up.' You thought "mybe, but don't you dare think about telling the others!"

Cheshire zipped his lips before disappearing. You sigh in relief as he was gone and you could make your escape. Thankfully you didn't pass anyone and we're able to sneak out the back door of the castle and out into the forest. You planned on heading towards old Paris and spending the night with your older brother. You walked through the forest, it was getting late and harder to see. The noise of the animals that inhabited it didn't help either.

But you keep walking till you come to the cross road. There, coming from the path that led to Sydney was a small round man, and a tall gray one. Each sat on horseback. You didn't know who these people were but they sure didn't look friendly.

You tried ignoring them, heading for the path that led to old paris when one of the horses left out in front of you. You jumped back, just avoiding where the gray man's horse landed. You turned to go back to the castle when the shorter man stopped his horse, blocking you in the center.

"She looks familiar, tell me she doesn't look familiar." The short one said.

The gray one leans over and grabs you by your shirt collar. You managed to muster out a few words "please don't hurt me!"

"Hurt you." He smiled "you should have to be of some value for us to hurt you. Where simply just curious as to why a girl like yourself, would be out in dark forest at this hour,"

You knew it was a bad idea to say you were running away. Maybe they were just nice people trying to make sure you were safe. And though you didn't want to return home, you knew it was a safe place, especially if these guys followed you. "I was just heading home actually." You spoke with anxiety in your voice.

"Home? out here in the forest? but there's only one type of character that lives out here and that's-" The short one shut up for a moment as he looked up and down with his jaw slightly open. "Saluke, it's her, she's our key to getting back into the club!" You both look over at him with confusion. "I know where I've seen her before. She is the villain's child, we could, you know, hold her for ransom-"

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsWhere stories live. Discover now