Forgeing gone wrong (stitches) (age:8)

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(Warning this chapter involves stitches, please be advised if your sensitive to this topic.)

You were helping your Aunt Grimhilda gather up some ingredients for a potion in the forest. You both had just picked up some mint leaves from a plant in the ground.

Grimhilda puts the leaves in a jar before placing them in the basket."Perfect, that should last for a few weeks. What's next?"

You pick up the list and read the next item "dandelion speaks ."

The queen nods as she picks up a jar and hands it to you "there should be some over there." She pointed further down the path "Go fill this up and then come right back."

"Will do!" You shout before grabbing the jar and running off to find the flowers. Once you do, you begin picking them and placing them in the jar. You felt proud as you managed to fill it to the brim. Once the jar is closed you rush back to show your aunt the hard work.

You were only a few feet away when you tripped and fell. The jar slipped out of your hands and landed safely on the grass. You, on the other hand, managed to land face first on a rock. You let out a scream as your head killed.

Grimhilda turned to look in your direction. Her eyes widened when she saw you "y/n!" She immediately rushed to your side "what happened?"

"I tripped!" Tears streamed down your face as you sat up. Blood dripped from your forehead, but you covered the spot with your hand.

"Let me see." She said as she moved your blood stained hand to find a rather large cut across your forehead. "It's a bit concerning."

"Will I die?" You choke out.

"No, but we should get Mad to look at it." She then got up and helped you to your feet. "Hold your hand to keep it from bleeding. I'll see if there's anything in the basket that would be better."

You put your hand to your forehead as you follow her. Grimhilda looks in the basket and finds a piece of cloth. She then handed it to you, you held it up to your forehead. You then follow her back to the castle. Once inside she took you straight to the medical room inside the castle. Since the hero's and other characters weren't always so welcoming, they tried to make due with what they had so they didn't need to go into town so often. Thankfully the castle was full of talented people, including medical professionals like the Mad doctor.

Upon reaching his door, the evil queen knocked and waited for a response.

"Come in!" He called.

She opened the door and getured for you to follow. The room was set up Exactly like a hospital examination room. Complete with an examination bed, curtain, cabinet with sink, computer, medical instruments hanging from the wall, even a small desk that mad sat at.

He looked up at them as they entered. "What happened?" He stood as he noticed your puffy wet face from crying.

"Poor girl fell and managed to cut her head on a rock." Grimhilda explained.

"Come, sit." He gestured to the bed.

You did as instructed and sat down on the bed in the center of the room. He came over and removed the piece of fabric.

"Yike, you did take a nasty tumble."

"Will I be ok?" You question with a much calmer voice.

"Yes but the cut's too big to heal on its own." He placed the piece of fabric back on your forehead. The blood helped keep it in place so you really didn't have to hold it. "will have to stitch it up." He walked over to the cabinet.

"Stitch?" You ask worried.

"Yes, or it's going to get infected." He took out a tray from the cabin along with black thread and a needle. He also took out some sort of tube and walked over. "This is gonna sting a bit but it's gonna get rid of the pain when I start sewing it up."

Y/n Daughter of the Disney/Pixar villainsWhere stories live. Discover now